CONKart is an Inventory Management System project that helps businesses and organizations efficiently track and manage their inventory. It is developed using Java with the Swing framework and utilizes SQL*Plus for the database.
The CONKart Inventory Management System consists of a database to store all inventory-related information. The system allows you to manage products, suppliers, customers, orders, and inventory details.
To set up the CONKart project, follow these steps:
- Ensure you have NetBeans IDE installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from the official website: NetBeans.
- Install SQL*Plus, which is an Oracle database management tool. You can download it from the Oracle website: Oracle Database Express Edition.
- Create the necessary tables in the database by running the creat_tables.sql script in SQL*Plus. This script will create the required tables and define their structure.
- Download the CONKart project files and open them in NetBeans.
- Add jcalendar-1.4.jar in the libraries of the project.
CONKart's unique feature is scheduled ordering, which automates the inventory replenishment process based on predefined schedules. This helps businesses maintain a continuous supply of products, optimize inventory levels, and save time and effort.
NetBeans - The Java IDE used for developing the CONKart application. Oracle - The provider of SQL*Plus, used for the database management.
The CONKart Inventory Management System provides an intuitive user interface built with Java Swing, making it easy to navigate and use the various features.