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MPLVisualization subclasses dict
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charwick committed Jun 1, 2023
1 parent 5a3c870 commit 84f0924
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Showing 14 changed files with 131 additions and 125 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion helipad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
from io import BufferedWriter

#Using _ is a disaster. Can't install to global scope because it conflicts with readline;
#Can't name it _ here because `import *` skips it (???)
#Can't name it _ here because `import *` skips it
def ï(text) -> str:
"""Internationalization. Named so as to avoid a conflict with `_` in the REPL console."""
return helipad_gettext(text)
Expand All @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def isIpy() -> bool:
def isNotebook() -> bool:
"""Check whether Helipad is running in an interactive notebook."""
#get_ipython() comes back undefined inside callbacks. So cache the value once, the first time it runs.
#Can try @functools.cache when Python 3.9 is required
if not '__helipad_ipy' in globals():
globals()['__helipad_ipy'] = 'InteractiveShell' in get_ipython().__class__.__name__
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions helipad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ def reporter(model): return param.get(item)

if is not None:'M0','stocks', 'all',, stat='sum'))
if self.visual is not None and isinstance(self.visual, TimeSeries) and 'money' in self.visual.plots:
self.visual.plots['money'].addSeries('M0', ï('Monetary Base'), self.goods[].color)
if self.visual is not None and isinstance(self.visual, TimeSeries) and 'money' in self.visual:
self.visual['money'].addSeries('M0', ï('Monetary Base'), self.goods[].color)

#Unconditional variables to report
#'utility','utils', defPrim))
Expand All @@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ def reporter(model): return param.get(item)
for breed, b in self.agents[defPrim].breeds.items():'utility-'+breed,'utils', defPrim, breed=breed))
if self.visual is not None and self.visual.__class__.__name__=='TimeSeries':
self.visual.plots['utility'].addSeries('utility-'+breed, breed.title()+' '+ï('Utility'), b.color)
self.visual['utility'].addSeries('utility-'+breed, breed.title()+' '+ï('Utility'), b.color)

if len(self.goods) >= 2:
for good, g in self.goods.nonmonetary.items():'demand-'+good,'currentDemand', 'all', good=good, stat='sum'))
if self.visual is not None:
if 'demand' in self.visual.plots: self.visual.plots['demand'].addSeries('demand-'+good, good.title()+' '+ï('Demand'), g.color)
if 'demand' in self.visual: self.visual['demand'].addSeries('demand-'+good, good.title()+' '+ï('Demand'), g.color)

#Initialize agents
for prim, ags in self.agents.items():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ async def run(self):
if self.timer: t2 = time.time()
if self.cpanel and st and isinstance(st, int): self.cpanel.progress.update(t/st)

#Update graph
#Update visualizations
if self.visual is not None and not self.visual.isNull:
await asyncio.sleep(0.001) #Listen for keyboard input
data = - self.visual.lastUpdate)

self.visual.lastUpdate = t

self.doHooks('visualRefresh', [self, self.visual])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ def add(self, name: str, color, endowment=None, money: bool=False, props=None):
#Add the M0 plot once we have a money good, only if we haven't done it before
elif (self.model.visual is None or self.model.visual.isNull) and hasattr(self.model.visual, 'plots'):
if not 'money' in self.model.visual.plots: self.model.visual.addPlot('money', ï('Money'), selected=False)
if not 'money' in self.model.visual: self.model.visual.addPlot('money', ï('Money'), selected=False)
except: pass #Can't add plot if re-drawing the cpanel

props['quantity'] = endowment
Expand All @@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ def add(self, name: str, color, endowment=None, money: bool=False, props=None):
#Add demand plot once we have at least 2 goods
if len(self) == 2 and (self.model.visual is None or self.model.visual.isNull) and hasattr(self.model.visual, 'plots'):
if not 'demand' in self.model.visual.plots: self.model.visual.addPlot('demand', ï('Demand'), selected=False)
if not 'demand' in self.model.visual: self.model.visual.addPlot('demand', ï('Demand'), selected=False)
except: pass

return item
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103 changes: 54 additions & 49 deletions helipad/
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Expand Up @@ -26,28 +26,27 @@ def launch(self, title: str):
"""Launch the visualization window (if in Tkinter) or cell (if in Jupyter)."""

def update(self, data: dict):
"""Update the visualization with new data and refresh the display. `data` is only data since the last visualization refresh."""
def refresh(self, data: dict):
"""Update the visualization with new data and refresh the display. `data` is only data since the last visualization refresh."""

def event(self, t: int, color, **kwargs):
"""Called when an event is triggered, in order to be reflected in the visualization."""
"""Called when an event is triggered, in order to be reflected in the visualization."""

def terminate(self, model):
"""Cleanup on model termination. Called automatically from `model.terminate()`."""

class MPLVisualization(BaseVisualization):
class MPLVisualization(BaseVisualization, dict):
"""Base class for visualizations using Matplotlib."""
keys = {}

def __init__(self, model):
self.model = model #Unhappy with this
self.plots = {}
self.selector = model.params.add('plots', ï('Plots'), 'checkgrid', [], opts={}, runtime=False, config=True)
self.dim = None
self.pos = (400, 0)
self.fig = None
self.lastUpdate = None
self.keyListeners = {}

def pause(model, event):
if model.hasModel and event.canvas is self.fig.canvas:
Expand All @@ -60,19 +59,32 @@ def pause(model, event):
get_ipython().magic('matplotlib widget')
else: matplotlib.use('TkAgg') #macosx would be preferable (Retina support), but it blocks the cpanel while running

def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} with {len(self.plots)} plots>'
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} with {len(self)} plots>'

# Subclasses should call super().launch **after** the figure is created.
def launch(self, title: str, dim=None, pos=None):
if not isNotebook():
if self.model.cpanel: self.model.cpanel.setAppIcon()

#MPL can't take a method bound to an unhashable class (i.e. `dict`)
def sendEvent(event):
axes = event.artist.axes if hasattr(event, 'artist') else event.inaxes
if axes is not None:
for p in self.activePlots.values():
if axes is p.axes:

if'key_press_event' and event.key in self.keyListeners:
for f in self.keyListeners[event.key]: f(self.model, event)

self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.model.terminate)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.sendEvent)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.sendEvent)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.sendEvent)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', sendEvent)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', sendEvent)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', sendEvent)
self.lastUpdate = 0

#Resize and position graph window if applicable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,32 +112,26 @@ def terminate(self, model):
pos = fm.window.wm_geometry().split('+')
self.pos = (pos[1], pos[2])

def sendEvent(self, event):
"""Execute functions registered with `MPLVisualization.addKeypress()` and route other events to the appropriate `ChartPlot` object depending on the current mouse position."""
axes = event.artist.axes if hasattr(event, 'artist') else event.inaxes
if axes is not None:
for p in self.activePlots.values():
if axes is p.axes:

if'key_press_event' and event.key in self.keys:
for f in self.keys[event.key]: f(self.model, event)

def addKeypress(self, key: str, fn):
"""Register a function to be run when `key` is pressed in a Matplotlib visualizer. `fn` will run if `key` is pressed at any time when the plot window is in focus. To narrow the focus to a particular plot, define `catchKeypress()` in a subclass of `ChartPlot`."""
if not key in self.keys: self.keys[key] = []
if not key in self.keyListeners: self.keyListeners[key] = []

def activePlots(self) -> dict:
"""The subset of the plots containing the `Plot`s that are currently active."""
return {k:plot for k,plot in self.plots.items() if plot.selected}
return {k:plot for k,plot in self.items() if plot.selected}

def isNull(self) -> bool:
"""`True` when the model should run as-if with no visualization, for example if all plots are unselected. `False` indicates the window can be launched."""
return not [plot for plot in self.plots.values() if plot.selected]
return not [plot for plot in self.values() if plot.selected]

def plots(self):
"""A `dict` of plots. This property is deprecated; the visualization object can be indexed directly."""
warnings.warn(ï('model.visual.plots is deprecated. Plots can be accessed by indexing the visualization object directly.'), FutureWarning, 2)
return self

class TimeSeries(MPLVisualization):
"""A Matplotlib-based visualizer for displaying time series data on plots so the whole history of any given variable over the model's runtime can be seen at once."""
Expand All @@ -151,23 +157,22 @@ def toggle(model, event):
#Delete the corresponding series when a reporter is removed
def deleteSeries(data, key):
for p in self.plots.values():
for p in self.values():
for s in p.series:
if s.reporter==key:
# Remove subseries
for ss in s.subseries:
for sss in self.model.plots[s.plot].series:
for sss in self[s.plot].series:
if sss.reporter == ss:

#Move the plots parameter to the end when the cpanel launches
def movePlotParam(model):
model.params['plots'] = model.params.pop('plots')

#listOfPlots is the trimmed model.plots list
def launch(self, title: str):
if not self.activePlots: return #Windowless mode

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ def terminate(self, model):
if not isinstance(model.param('stopafter'), str): model.params['stopafter'].enable()

def update(self, data: dict):
def refresh(self, data: dict):
newlen = len(next(data[x] for x in data))
if self.resolution > 1: data = {k: keepEvery(v, self.resolution) for k,v in data.items()}
time = newlen + len(next(iter(self.activePlots.values())).series[0].fdata)*self.resolution
Expand All @@ -221,15 +226,16 @@ def addPlot(self, name: str, label: str, position=None, selected: bool=True, log
plot = TimeSeriesPlot(viz=self, name=name, label=label, logscale=logscale, stack=stack)

self.selector.addItem(name, label, position, selected)
if position is None or position > len(self.plots): self.plots[name] = plot
if position is None or position > len(self): self[name] = plot
else: #Reconstruct the dicts because there's no insert method…
newplots, i = ({}, 1)
for k,v in self.plots.items():
for k,v in self.items():
if position==i:
newplots[name] = plot
newplots[k] = v
self.plots = newplots

plot.selected = selected #Do this after CheckgridParam.addItem
return plot
Expand All @@ -241,12 +247,12 @@ def removePlot(self, name, reassign=None):
for p in name: self.removePlot(p, reassign)

if not name in self.plots:
if not name in self:
warnings.warn(ï('No plot \'{}\' to remove.').format(name), None, 2)
return False

if reassign is not None: self.plots[reassign].series += self.plots[name].series
del self.plots[name]
if reassign is not None: self[reassign].series += self[name].series
del self[name]
del self.selector.opts[name]
del self.selector.vars[name]
if name in self.selector.default: self.selector.default.remove(name)
Expand All @@ -257,7 +263,7 @@ def event(self, t: int, color='#CC0000', linestyle: str='--', linewidth=1, **kwa
self.verticals.append([p.axes.axvline(x=t, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth) for p in self.activePlots.values()])

# Problem: Need x to be in plot coordinates but y to be absolute w.r.t the figure
# next(iter(self.plots.values())).axes.text(t, 0, label, horizontalalignment='center')
# next(iter(self.values())).axes.text(t, 0, label, horizontalalignment='center')

class Charts(MPLVisualization):
"""A Matplotlib-based visualizer for a variety of visualizations that display data that reflects a single point in time."""
Expand All @@ -268,7 +274,6 @@ def __init__(self, model):

for p in [BarChart, AgentsPlot, TimeSeriesPlot]: self.addPlotType(p)
self.refresh = model.params['refresh']
self.model = model # :(

def launch(self, title: str):
Expand All @@ -291,7 +296,7 @@ def launch(self, title: str):

#Time slider
ref = self.refresh.get()
ref = self.model.params['refresh'].get()
self.fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.12) #Make room for the slider
sax = self.fig.add_axes([0.1,0.01,.75,0.03], facecolor='#EEF')
self.timeslider = Slider(sax, 't=', 0, ref, ref, valstep=ref, closedmin=False)
Expand All @@ -300,7 +305,7 @@ def launch(self, title: str):

def update(self, data: dict):
def refresh(self, data: dict):
data = {k:v[-1] for k,v in data.items()}
t = self.model.t #cheating?
for c in self.activePlots.values(): c.update(data, t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,10 +333,10 @@ def addPlot(self, name: str, label: str, type=None, position=None, selected=True
type = 'agents'
self.type = type if type is not None else 'bar'
if self.type not in self.plotTypes: raise KeyError(ï('\'{}\' is not a registered plot visualizer.').format(self.type))
self.plots[name] = self.plotTypes[self.type](name=name, label=label, viz=self, selected=True, **kwargs)
self[name] = self.plotTypes[self.type](name=name, label=label, viz=self, selected=True, **kwargs)

self.plots[name].selected = selected #Do this after CheckgridParam.addItem
return self.plots[name]
self[name].selected = selected #Do this after CheckgridParam.addItem
return self[name]

def addPlotType(self, clss):
"""Registers a new plot type for the Charts visualizer. Registered plot types can then be added to the visualization area with `Charts.addPlot()`."""
Expand All @@ -345,15 +350,15 @@ def removePlot(self, name):
for p in name: self.removePlot(p)

if not name in self.plots:
if not name in self:
warnings.warn(ï('No plot \'{}\' to remove.').format(name), None, 2)
return False

del self.plots[name]
del self[name]
return True

def event(self, t: int, color='#FDC', **kwargs):
ref = self.refresh.get()
ref = self.model.params['refresh'].get()[ceil(t/ref)*ref] = color

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,7 +412,7 @@ def MPLEvent(self, event):
"""Catch `pick_event`, `key_press_event`, and `button_press_event` events that occur inside a particular plot."""

class TimeSeriesPlot(ChartPlot):
"""Visualizes time series data on one or more variables. Can be used in either the `TimeSeries` or `Charts` visualizer."""
"""Visualize time series data on one or more variables. Can be used in either the `TimeSeries` or `Charts` visualizer."""
type = 'timeseries'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.series = []
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions sample-models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def tmp(model):
viz.addPlot('wealth', 'Wealth', 4)
viz.addPlot('rates', 'Rates', 5, logscale=True)'theta','deathrate'), smooth=0.99)
viz.plots['rates'].addSeries('theta', 'Death Rate', '#CCCCCC')
viz['rates'].addSeries('theta', 'Death Rate', '#CCCCCC')

for breed, d in heli.agents['agent'].breeds.items():'Pop',[breed].pop)
Expand All @@ -218,21 +218,21 @@ def tmp(model):'Wealth','wealth', 'agent', breed=breed, percentiles=[25,75]))'moveRate','moverate'+breed), smooth=0.99)'birthrate','birthrate'+breed), smooth=0.99)
viz.plots['pop'].addSeries(breed+'Pop', breed.title()+' Population', d.color)
viz.plots['hcap'].addSeries(breed+'H', breed.title()+' Human Capital', d.color)
viz.plots['wage'].addSeries(breed+'Wage', breed.title()+' Wage', d.color)
viz.plots['wage'].addSeries(breed+'ExpWage', breed.title()+' Expected Wage', d.color2, visible=False)
viz.plots['wealth'].addSeries(breed+'Wealth', breed.title()+' Wealth', d.color)
viz.plots['rates'].addSeries(breed+'moveRate', breed.title()+' Moveaway Rate', d.color2)
viz.plots['rates'].addSeries(breed+'birthrate', breed.title()+' Birthrate', d.color)
viz['pop'].addSeries(breed+'Pop', breed.title()+' Population', d.color)
viz['hcap'].addSeries(breed+'H', breed.title()+' Human Capital', d.color)
viz['wage'].addSeries(breed+'Wage', breed.title()+' Wage', d.color)
viz['wage'].addSeries(breed+'ExpWage', breed.title()+' Expected Wage', d.color2, visible=False)
viz['wealth'].addSeries(breed+'Wealth', breed.title()+' Wealth', d.color)
viz['rates'].addSeries(breed+'moveRate', breed.title()+' Moveaway Rate', d.color2)
viz['rates'].addSeries(breed+'birthrate', breed.title()+' Birthrate', d.color)



# for p in viz.plots.values(): #Disable plots so Helipad doesn't try to update the visuals during param sweep
# for p in viz.values(): #Disable plots so Helipad doesn't try to update the visuals during param sweep
# #Remove superfluous columns
# @heli.hook
# def saveCSV(data, model):
Expand Down

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