Tags: chaw2yu/RDVTabBarController
Toggle v1.1.9's commit message
Fix an issue where tabBarItem's title frame was calculated only based…
… on the font size, ignoring kerning.
Toggle v1.1.8's commit message
Fix an orientation bug in iOS 8, restore tab bar hidden to last state.
Toggle v1.1.7's commit message
Replace strong reference to delegate inside RDVTabBar with weak refer…
…ence, fix a bug with wrong sized view when starting in landscape orientation.
Toggle v1.1.6's commit message
Add support for translucent tab bar.
Toggle v1.1.5's commit message
Move loadView code to viewDidLoad, use tabBarHeight if minimumContent…
…Height is not set.
Toggle v1.1.4's commit message
Remove unused imports from demo project, set version to 1.1.4.
Toggle v1.1.3's commit message
Toggle v1.1.2's commit message
Toggle v1.1.1's commit message
Remove warnings on deprecated methods in iOS7, update podspec to tag …
…version v1.1.1
Toggle v1.1's commit message
Add badges to tab bar items, improve documentation.
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