- Swift mock-helping library written with gMock (C++) library approach in mind;
- uses XCTestExpectations inside, that makes sMock not only mocking library, but also library that allows easy unit-test coverage of mocked objects expected behavior;
- lightweight and zero-dependecy;
- works out-of-the-box without need of generators, tools, etc;
- required minimum of additional code to prepare mocks.
Testing with sMock is simple!
- Create Mock class implementing protocol / subclassing / as callback closure;
- Make expectations;
- Execute test code;
- Wait for expectations using sMock.waitForExpectations()
import XCTest
import sMock
// Protocol to be mocked.
protocol HTTPClient {
func sendRequestSync(_ request: String) -> String
// Mock implementation.
class MockHTTPClient: HTTPClient {
// Define call's mock entity.
let sendRequestSyncCall = MockMethod<String, String>()
func sendRequestSync(_ request: String) -> String {
// 1. Call mock entity with passed arguments.
// 2. If method returns non-Void type, provide default value for 'Unexpected call' case.
sendRequestSyncCall.call(request) ?? ""
// Some entity to be tested.
struct Client {
let httpClient: HTTPClient
func retrieveRecordsSync() -> [String] {
let response = httpClient.sendRequestSync("{ action: 'retrieve_records' }")
return response.split(separator: ";").map(String.init)
class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
func test_Example() {
let mock = MockHTTPClient()
let client = Client(httpClient: mock)
// Here we expect that method 'sendRequestSync' will be called with 'request' argument equals to "{ action: 'retrieve_records' }".
// We expect that it will be called only once and return "r1;r2;r3" as 'response'.
// Assign name for exact expectation (useful if expectation fails);
.expect("Request sent.")
// This expectation will only be trigerred if argument passed as parameter equals to passed Matcher;
.match("{ action: 'retrieve_records' }")
// Assume how many times this method with this arguments (defined in 'match') should be called.
// If method for this expectation called, it will return value we pass in .return(...) statement.
// Client internally requests records using HTTPClient and then parse response.
let records = client.retrieveRecordsSync()
XCTAssertEqual(records, ["r1", "r2", "r3"])
// Protocol to be mocked.
protocol HTTPClient {
func sendRequestSync(_ request: String) -> String
// Mock implementation.
class MockHTTPClient: HTTPClient {
// Define call's mock entity.
let sendRequestSyncCall = MockMethod<String, String>()
func sendRequestSync(_ request: String) -> String {
// 1. Call mock entity with passed arguments.
// 2. If method returns non-Void type, provide default value for 'Unexpected call' case.
sendRequestSyncCall.call(request) ?? ""
// Some entity to be tested.
struct Client {
let httpClient: HTTPClient
func retrieveRecordsAsync(completion: @escaping ([String]) -> Void) {
let response = httpClient.sendRequestSync("{ action: 'retrieve_records' }")
completion(response.split(separator: ";").map(String.init))
class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
func test_Example() {
let mock = MockHTTPClient()
let client = Client(httpClient: mock)
// Here we expect that method 'sendRequestSync' will be called with 'request' argument equals to "{ action: 'retrieve_records' }".
// We expect that it will be called only once and return "r1;r2;r3" as 'response'.
// Assign name for exact expectation (useful if expectation fails);
.expect("Request sent.")
// This expectation will only be trigerred if argument passed as parameter equals to passed Matcher;
.match("{ action: 'retrieve_records' }")
// Assume how many times this method with this arguments (defined in 'match') should be called.
// If method for this expectation called, it will return value we pass in .return(...) statement.
// Here we use 'MockClosure' mock entity to ensure that 'completion' handler is called.
// We expect it will be called only once and it's argument is ["r1", "r2", "r3"].
let completionCall = MockClosure<[String], Void>()
// Assign name for exact expectation (useful if expectation fails);
.expect("Records retrieved.")
// This expectation will only be trigerred if argument passed as parameter equals to passed Matcher;
.match(["r1", "r2", "r3"])
// Assume how many times this method with this arguments (defined in 'match') should be called.
// Client internally requests records using HTTPClient and then parse response.
// Returns response in completion handler.
client.retrieveRecordsAsync(completion: completionCall.asClosure())
// Don't forget to wait for potentially async operations.
// Protocol to be mocked.
protocol HTTPClient {
func sendRequestAsync(_ request: String, reply: @escaping (String) -> Void)
// Mock implementation.
class MockHTTPClient: HTTPClient {
// Define call's mock entity.
let sendRequestAsyncCall = MockMethod<(String, (String) -> Void), Void>()
func sendRequestAsync(_ request: String, reply: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
// Call mock entity with passed arguments.
sendRequestAsyncCall.call(request, reply)
// Some entity to be tested.
struct Client {
let httpClient: HTTPClient
func retrieveRecordsAsync(completion: @escaping ([String]) -> Void) {
httpClient.sendRequestAsync("{ action: 'retrieve_records' }") { (response) in
completion(response.split(separator: ";").map(String.init))
class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
func test_Example() {
let mock = MockHTTPClient()
let client = Client(httpClient: mock)
// Here we expect that method 'sendRequestAsync' will be called with 'request' argument equals to "{ action: 'retrieve_records' }".
// We expect that it will be called only once and return "r1;r2;r3" as 'response'.
// Assign name for exact expectation (useful if expectation fails);
.expect("Request sent.")
// This expectation will only be trigerred if argument passed as parameter equals to passed Matcher;
// SplitArgs allows to apply different Matcher to each argument (splitting tuple);
// Matcher for first argument (here: request);
.equal("{ action: 'retrieve_records' }"),
// Matcher for second argument (here: reply block);
// Assume how many times this method with this arguments (defined in 'match') should be called.
// If method for this expectation called, it will perform specific handler with all arguments of the call.
// (Here: when mached, it will call 'reply' closure with argument "r1;r2;r3").
.perform({ (_, reply) in
// Here we use 'MockClosure' mock entity to ensure that 'completion' handler is called.
// We expect it will be called only once and it's argument is ["r1", "r2", "r3"].
let completionCall = MockClosure<[String], Void>()
// Assign name for exact expectation (useful if expectation fails);
.expect("Records retrieved.")
// This expectation will only be trigerred if argument passed as parameter equals to passed Matcher;
.match(["r1", "r2", "r3"])
// Assume how many times this method with this arguments (defined in 'match') should be called.
// Client internally requests records using HTTPClient and then parse response.
// Returns response in completion handler.
client.retrieveRecordsAsync(completion: completionCall.asClosure())
// Don't forget to wait for potentially async operations.
protocol SomeProtocol {
var value: Int { get set }
class Mock: SomeProtocol {
let valueCall = MockSetter<Int>("value", -1)
var value: Int {
get { valueCall.callGet() }
set { valueCall.callSet(newValue) }
class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
func test_Example() {
let mock = Mock()
XCTAssertEqual(mock.value, -1)
// Set expectations for setter calls. We expect only value 'set'.
// Get may be called any number of times.
mock.valueCall.expect("First value did set.").match(.less(10)).willOnce()
mock.valueCall.expect("Second value did set.").match(.any).willOnce()
mock.valueCall.expect("Third value did set.").match(.equal(1)).willOnce()
mock.value = 4
XCTAssertEqual(mock.value, 4)
mock.value = 100500
XCTAssertEqual(mock.value, 100500)
mock.value = 1
XCTAssertEqual(mock.value, 1)
// At the end of the test, if any expectation has not been trigerred, it will fail the test.
Use matchers with mock entity to make exact expectations.
All matchers are the same for MockMethod, MockClosure and MockSetter.
Matcher | Description | Example |
.any | Matches any argument | .any |
.custom( (Args) -> Bool ) | Use custom closure to match | .custom( { (args) in return true/false } ) |
let mock = MockMethod<Int, Void>()
mock.expect("Method called.").match(<matchers go here>)...
Matcher | Description | Example |
.keyPath<Root, Value> .keyPath<Root, Value: Equatable> |
Applies matcher to actual value by keyPath | // Number of bits in Int .keyPath(\.bitWidth, .equal(64)) .keyPath(\.bitWidth, 64) |
.optional | Allows to pass matcher of Optional type. nil matches as false |
let value: Int? = ... .optional(.equal(value)) |
.splitArgs<T...> | Allows to apply matchers to each actual value separately | // let mock = MockMethod<(Int, String), Void>() .splitArgs(.any, .equal("str")) |
.isNil where Args == Optional .notNil where Args == Optional |
Checks if actual value is nil/not nil | // let mock = MockMethod<String?, Void>() .isNil() / .isNotNil() |
.cast | Casts actual value to T and uses matcher for T | // let mock = MockMethod<URLResponse, Void() .cast(.keyPath(\HTTPURLResponse.statusCode, 200)) .cast(to: HTTPURLResponse.self, .keyPath(\.statusCode, 200)) |
Matcher | Description | Example |
.equal | actual == value | .equal(10) |
.notEqual | actual != value | .notEqual(20) |
.inCollection<C: Collection> where Args == C.Element | Checks if item is in collection | .inCollection( [10, 20] ) |
Matcher | Description | Example |
.greaterEqual | actual >= value | .greaterEqual(10) |
.greater | actual > value | .greaterEqual(10) |
.lessEqual | actual <= value | .greaterEqual(10) |
.less | actual < value | .greaterEqual(10) |
Matcher | Description | Example |
.isTrue | actual == true | .isTrue() |
.isFalse | actual == false | .isFalse() |
Matcher | Description | Example |
.strCaseEqual | actual == value (case insensitive) | .strCaseEqual("sTrInG") |
.strCaseNotEqual | actual != value (case insensitive) | .strCaseNotEqual("sTrInG") |
Matcher | Description | Example |
.success<Success, Failure> | If result is success, matches success value using MatcherType. False if Result.failure | // let mock = MockMethod<Result<Int, Error>, Void>() .success(.equal(10)) |
.failure<Success, Failure> | If result is failure, matches error using MatcherType. False if Result.success | .failure(.any) |
let mock = MockMethod<[Int], Void>()
mock.expect("Method called.").match(<matchers go here>)...
Matcher | Description | Example |
.isEmpty | Checks if collection is empty | .isEmpty() |
.sizeIs | Checks that size of collection equals value | .sizeIs(10) |
.each | Requires each element of collection to be matched | .each(.greater(10)) |
.atLeastOne | Required at least on element of collection to be matched | .atLeastOne(.equal(10)) |
Matcher | Description | Example |
.contains | Checks if actual collection contains element | .contains(10) |
.containsAllOf<C: Collection> | Checks if actual collection contains all items from subset | .containsAllOf( [10, 20] ) |
.containsAnyOf<C: Collection> | Checks if actual collection contains any item from subset | .containsAnyOf( [10, 20] ) |
.startsWith<C: Collection> | Checks if actual collection is prefixed by subset | .startsWith( [10, 20] ) |
.endsWith<C: Collection> | Checks if actual collection is suffixed by subset | .endsWith( [10, 20] ) |
Actions are used to determine mocked entity behavior if call was matched.
All actions are the same for MockMethod, MockClosure and MockSetter.
Action | Description | Example |
WillOnce | Expect call should be made once and only once | .WillOnce() |
WillRepeatedly | Expect call should be made some number of times (or unlimited) | .WillRepeatedly(.count(10)) |
WillNever | Expect call should be never made | .WillNever() |
Action | Description | Example |
.return(R) | Call to mocked entity will return exact value | .return(10) |
.throw(Error) | Call to mocked entity will throw error | .throw(RuntimeError("Something happened.)) |
.perform( (Args) throws -> R ) | Call to mocked entity will perform custom action | .perform( { (args) in return ... } ) |
Proper argument capturing expected to be made using ArgumentCaptor.
let mock = MockMethod<Int, Void>()
let captor = ArgumentCaptor<Int>()
mock.expect("Method called.").match(.any).capture(captor).willOnce()
print(captor.captured) // All captured values or empty is nothing captured.
let initedCaptor = InitedArgumentCaptor<Int>(-1)
mock.expect("Method called.").match(.any).capture(initedCaptor).willOnce()
print(initedCaptor.lastCaptured) // Last captured value or default value if nothing captured.
sMock support custom configuration
Property | Description | Values |
unexpectedCallBehavior | Determines what will sMock do when unexpected call is made | .warning: just print message to console .failTest: XCTFail is triggerred .custom((_ mockedEntity: String) -> Void): custom function is called Default value: .failTest |
waitTimeout: TimeInterval | Default timeout used in 'waitForExpectations' function | Timeout in seconds Default value: 0.5 |
- cover mocking code itself with tests
- cover matchers with tests
- add support of throwing methods and functions