Tags: cheme/jsonrpc
Fix rpc alias(es) key constant (paritytech#375) * Fix rpc alias(es) key constant * Bump derive patch
Add jsonrpc-derive details. (paritytech#372) * Add jsonrpc-derive details. * Update docs and authors. * Bump version.
One way serialize for subscriber type (paritytech#371) * WIP: 2018 compile tests with one way serialization * WIP: attempting to get traitbounds to work with compiletests * Failing compile test for one way serialise Subscription type * One way Serialize for generic type only used in Subscriber
Handle keep-alive correctly (paritytech#333) * Proper handling of keep-alive. * Fix windows build again. * Adhere to the HTTP/1.1 spec more (don't return the header as it's implied)
Add documentation link and license for jsonrpc-test (paritytech#218) * Add documentation and license. * Documentation.
Merge pull request paritytech#43 from ethcore/fix-jsonrpc-omitted Don't serialize version field if it is not set explicitly