数据库课程设计-医院药品管理系统,符合 3NDF 的规范数据库设计,Spring Boot + MyBatis + MySQL
仿 快递100 的一款”快递助手”APP,包含EventBus、OkHttp、butterknife、Glide图片加载、ZXing二维码扫描、白天/夜间模式切换、第三方QQ登录、分享、LitePal数据库使用、安卓如何爬取网页爬虫、BaseActivity、BaseAdapter、RecyclerView下拉刷新等等,用最简单的代码实现最漂亮的功能
google官方ApiDemo——完善的Android学习资料,基于Android系统源码6.0的ApiDemos,使用Android Studio构建,compileSdkVersion 23,buildToolsVersion "23.0.3",支持 InstantRun ApiDemo非常全面的介绍了Android开发中常见的Api使用方式。
Android移动开发案例教程——基于Android Studio开发环境 ISBN:9787115447784(教材配套的源程序和PPT)V0.61
An Android app to deliver custom content via beacon triggers powered by django backend
Sample Android application that integrates BeaconControl Android SDK.
Uses AltBeacon library with RecyclerView to display both AltBeacons and Eddystone Beacons. Uses an interface to determine view type to display in recyclerview.
Sample application to detect ibeacons with altbeacon library
Scanner / Logger / Automation for iBeacon / Eddystone / Altbeacon
Sample android application to show how to create a beacon trasmitter using AltBeacon library
Cordova Plugin to allow background monitoring of beacons and sending interactions to Library Journeys server
A simple demo chalking out iBeacon handling based on Android programming...