This repository contains some codes for iris segmentation.
If you use the codes for your research, please cite our paper.
王财勇, 孙哲南. 虹膜分割算法评价基准[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2020, 57(2): 395-412.
Wang Caiyong, Sun Zhenan. A Benchmark for Iris Segmentation[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2020, 57(2): 395-412.
Anyone is permitted to use, distribute and change this program for any non-commercial usage. However each of such usage and/or publication must include above citation of this paper.
The used models includes:
We use the extended caffe to implement these models.
If you want to train your model, you can use the data from IrisParseNet
The trained model can be downloaded via .
- TVM:
- PRL_Haindl_Krupicka: Unsupervised detection of non-iris occlusions , code
please see IrisParseNet
Please contact [email protected]