๐ฆ A Javascript wrapper for Oficial Clash Royale API ๐ฎ - https://developer.clashroyale.com
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
node -v
node: v6.0.0
npm install --save clash-royale-api
yarn add clash-royale-api
- Go to Clash Royale Developer Website to get your Token;
- You can use your Token injecting directly inside the client constructor or you can use an environment variable to store it;
- By default
is used to call the API, if you want to use a different HTTP client, you must provide it as the second argument of the client constructor.
const Client = require('clash-royale-api')
import Client from 'clash-royale-api'
Using the Token as an environment variable:
- Create an environment variable with the command:
- Rename the file
and set the Token inside it - Injecting directly inside the client constructor
const clashroyale = new Client(MY_TOKEN)
const clashroyale = new Client()
// Filtering by name
const clans = clashroyale.clans('Awesome Clan')
// Filtering by multiple fields
const filters = {
name: 'my awesome clan',
minMembers: 40,
locationId: 57000038,
limit: 5
const clans = clashroyale.clans(filters)
// Getting the records
clans.then(res => {
// All records
}).catch(err => {
const clashroyale = new Client()
// Filtering by tag, it returns the specific clan data.
const clan = await clashroyale.clan('#1234TAG')
// Members list
// Leader
// Coleaders
// Elders
const clashroyale = new Client()
// Filtering by tag, it returns the specific clan data.
const clanWarlog = await clashroyale.clan('#1234TAG', 'warlog')
const clashroyale = new Client()
// Filtering by tag, it returns the specific clan data.
const clanWarlog = await clashroyale.clan('#1234TAG', 'currentwar')
const clashroyale = new Client()
// Clans
const clans = await clashroyale.clan(`name:string or filters:object`)
const clan = await clashroyale.clan('#1234TAG')
const clanWarlog = await clashroyale.clan('#1234TAG', 'warlog')
const clanCurrentWar = await clashroyale.clan('#1234TAG', 'currentwar')
// Players
const player = await clashroyale.player('#1234TAG')
const playerUpcomingChests = await clashroyale.player('#1234TAG', 'upcomingchests')
const playerBattleLog = await clashroyale.player('#1234TAG', 'battlelog')
// Tournaments
const tournaments = await clashroyale.tournaments('tournament name')
const tournament = await clashroyale.tournament('#123TAG')
const globalTournaments = await clashroyale.globalTournaments()
// Cards
const cards = await clashroyale.cards()
// Locations
const locations = await clashroyale.locations([`limit:int`])
const location = await clashroyale.location('locationId')
const clansRankingByLocation = await clashroyale.location(123456, 'rankings/clans')
const playersRankingByLocation = await clashroyale.location(123456, 'rankings/players')
const clansWarsRankingByLocation = await clashroyale.location(123456, 'rankings/clanwars')
To run the tests go to the terminal and enter npm run test
- first version covering all endpoints
- 100% unit test coverage
- CI/CD with
integrating withTravis
andNPM registry
- enhanced API for future versions. E.g.
await clashroyale.player('#1234TAG').chests()
for player upcoming chests - full API page documentation
- integration examples
If you want to collaborate, please feel free. I appreciate any help :)
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Cleber Gasparoto - Profile
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.