📦 🇧🇷 A simple package to get the capital of the countries https://www.npmjs.com/package/countries-capitals
node -v
node: v10
npm install --save countries-capital
yarn add countries-capital
const Countries = require('countries-capital')
const countries = new Countries()
// filter by name
const brazil = countries.byName('brazil')
* Get all country data:
"country": "Brazil",
"city": "Brasília",
"independence": "1822",
"location": "South America"
// get capital
brazil.capital // Brasília
// resetting the filter
// filter by location and independence year
countries.byLocation('europe').byIndependence(1900, '>=')
* Get all countries data:
"country": "Bulgaria",
"city": "Sofia",
"independence": "1908",
"location": "Eastern Europe"
// When country has more than one country after applying the filter it returns a random capital every time it calls .capital
countries.capital // Sofia
countries.capital // ...
countries.capital // ...
countries.capital // ...
const Countries = require('countries-capital')
const countries = new Countries()
// lists all the countries data disregading any filter
// reset any applied filters
// filter by country name
// passing country full name: single result
countries.toJson() // all country data as an array of objects
countries.capital // only country capital as string
// passing country partial name: multiple results
// filter by capital
countries.byCapital('amsterdam') // single result
countries.byCapital('ber') // multiple result
countries.byCapital(null) // multiple result. All countries without a Capital City
// filter by location
countries.byLocation('South America')
// filter by independence date
countries.byIndependence(1822) // implicit = (equal sign) operator
countries.byIndependence(500, '<') // lesser than
countries.byIndependence(2000, '>=') // greater or equal than
countries.byIndependence(null) // countries without independence year
// get the longest capital name of the list
// return all filtered data as array of objects
// return capital as string
// if countries.length === 0, throw an error
// if countries.length === 1, return specific capital
// if countries.length > 1, return random capital
To run the tests go to the terminal and enter npm run test
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- Cleber Gasparoto - Profile
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
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