Amamini admin app.
In this repository, we are going to build IMDB Clone application. This project will involve some best practices and tools.
The project:
- follows Clean Architecture
- uses Flutter Bloc state management
- uses go_router for navigation
- get_it, injectable for dependency injection
- dio, retrofit for rest api handling
- slang for language handling
After cloning the repository you should:
- create .env file in project root and save tokens as AMITY_API_KEY, AMITY_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN
- then you can get started by using the Flutter version specified in the pubspec.yaml file and by running:
flutter pub get && dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs cd packages/app_localization && flutter pub get && dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs && cd ../../
Do not forget to set correct base url in lib/core/constants/network_constants.dart