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Recommend Song Base on Clustering :Project Overview

  • Created a tool that recommends the songs by using audio features to help the people to find the thai song base on their preference.
  • Optimized the Kmean algorithm using the Elbow method and Silhouette Score to compare between the original data and the data that have been transform form the PCA method.
  • Built a simple website using Flask and deployed on heroku.

Code and Resources

Python Version: 3.8

Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, altair, flask, pickle

Data Source :

Deploy ML model on webpage tutorial :

Push the Flasks Apps to Heroku tutorial :

Data Cleaning

  • Removed the unwanted column.
  • Droped the duplicates songs
  • Removed non thai song
  • Extracted the added year and month of the song


I look at the boxplot and see that some faetures have the different magnitude. Below are a few highlight from thr EDA notebook. alt text alt text alt text

Model Building

First, I standardize the data because the data have different magnitude then I created the new data that come from the PCA method of 2 components.

I tried two different methods in evaluating the clustering that is elbow method and silhouette score. I choose the data from the PCA method because it has fewer distortion scores and more silhouette scores.

two different model:

  • Kmeans from the original data: number of cluster = 17, distortion score = 4017.89, average silhouette score = 0.12
  • Kmeans from the PCA data: number of cluster = 11, distortion score = 616.158, average silhouette score = 0.33


In this step, I build a flask web application that was hosted on a cloud by Heroku. The web takes a request for the audio feature values. You can either enter the value by yourself or select the range between a little to a lot in the audio feature and input the genre you mostly like. The web will return a list of songs in the same cluster and the songs that have the same cluster and same genre that you choose.

Web :


Repository for spotify project






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