o# django-start-env This is collection of scrips which runs Django Development environment & related things with one command. It will start the following items in different guake shells:
- Django server
- Django shell
- Recent error log
- Redis server
You can choose the from these,remove or add you own by editing start_django_dev.sh
This project depends on guake so install guake
sudo apt-get install guake
Set the folder location of django project DJANGO_PROJECT
& Virtual Environment folder VIRTUAL_ENV
location in settings.cfg
add imports.py in the django Project folder.
run by
sh start_django_dev.sh
Revert guake terminal tab names back to old 'Terminal#' format
gconftool-2 --set /apps/guake/general/use_vte_titles --type boolean false
A sample shell file to connect to a remove server has also been added in the shell_script
- add support for tmux