#Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with Angular 2 Show Case
This sample shows:
- PWA with Angular 2
- Bundling Service Worker and App with webpack
- Caching with Service Worker and the Service Worker Toolbox
- Storing data with PouchDB (which uses IndexedDb, WebDb or LocalStorage)
- AppShell Pattern with Caching to quickly provide value to the user
- Web App Manifest and a Fallback using Meta-Tags to install the App to the Home Screen
- Background Synchronisation with Service Workers
- Push Notifications with Service Worksers
- NodeJS (nodejs.org)
npm install
npm run webpack
After Bundling run:
npm run http-server
This starts a http-server at localhost:8080
- Go to http://localhost:8080
- Stop http-server and refresh browser
- Web-Site should still load due to its service-worker based offline capabilities
- Disconnect from the web
- Alter the state of some bookings in the browser (check in/ check out).
- Open F12-Dev-Tools
- Reconnect to the web
- Some time after reconnecting, you should see that the app is syncing the booking states with the server
- Start http-server again (
npm run http-server
) - In chrome, go to F12-Dev-Tools (F12) | Application | Service Worker
- Press 'Push' to simulate a push-message
- You should see a push-message
- Start app and go to F12-Dev-Tools
- The console should display a "push endpoint"
- Send the following HTTP message to this push-endpoint to notify chrome. The auth key can be created within the google api console. See this post for further infos.
POST https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send/dt1JdJT[...]
Content-Length: 0
Authorization: key=AIzaSyDGFJo7_qMFJRa5tVjHAfyPWjFEQBOe47o
TTL: 10
Note: To notify firefox, you don't need an auth key. The rest of the message is the same.
- Google Web Starter Sit, https://github.com/google/web-starter-kit
- sw-toolbox, https://github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-toolbox
- PouchDB, https://pouchdb.com/