#Ubuntu Equip ###Super simple setup scripts for Ubuntu inspired by Rails Ready
###Run these scripts on a fresh install of Ubuntu. They'll do the rest.
For instance, these days I use Ubuntu's ami-46f4092f AMI or ami-a562a9cc. The ubuntu
user has sudo
privileges; thus, you should run these scripts w/a sudo
###To run:
- Ruby 1.9.2 setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_ruby.sh && bash equip_ruby.sh
- you get Ruby 1.9.2 latest patch level, Bundler, and Git
- MongoDB setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_mongodb.sh && bash equip_mongodb.sh
- you get latest version of MongoDB
- configuration:
- Java 1.6 setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_java.sh && bash equip_java.sh
- you'll need to manually accept Sun's license agreement
- you get Sun's Java 6 JDK and Apache Ant
- Jenkins CI setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_jenkins.sh && bash equip_jenkins.sh
- you get latest version of Jenkins CI Server (you must have Java installed first!)
- Jenkins is running on port 8080
- Apache 2 setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_apache.sh && bash equip_apache.sh
- you get Apache 2 + common libs and it'll be running on port 80
- configuration:
- Passenger setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_passenger.sh && bash equip_passenger.sh
- Android setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_android.sh && bash equip_android.sh
- you should have Java and Ant already installed
- you get all versions of SDK
- this'll take a wee-bit of time
- Redis setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_redis.sh && bash equip_redis.sh
- you get latest stable version of Redis
- redis.redis user/group
- Node.js setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_node.sh && bash equip_node.sh
- you get latest version of node in apt repository
- elasticsearch setup
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/aglover/ubuntu-equip/raw/master/equip_elasticsearch.sh && bash equip_elasticsearch.sh
- you will need to have Java installed (see Java 1.6 setup above)
- you get latest version of elasticsearch
###Special Thanks
If you are looking to stand up a Rails stack, you should check out Josh Frye's Rails Ready. It's the way to go (ubuntu-equip doesn't install Rails as this is a bundle
task that can be handled at the project level). Ryan McGeary was super helpful with Ruby & Mongo setup scripts.