pynikki is a static page generator focused on helping you easily create a blog using jinja2 templates for the layout and markdown to create your posts.
pynikki will handle pagination automatically, with no extra plugins to configure.
to get started first install Jinja 2.
using pip: pip install Jinja2
This project also requires markdown. You install it the same way.
pip install markdown
This project comes with some dummy posts and a simple Jinja2 template. To try them out just run it with:
That's all there is to it! Now the blog pages are available under myblog/blog
The default structure looks like this:
├── archive.json
├── myblog
│ ├── blog
│ ├── css
│ │ └── blog.css
│ ├──
│ └── templates
│ └── blog_template.html
└── publish
├── post001.txt
├── post002.txt
├── post003.txt
├── post004.txt
├── post005.txt
├── post006.txt
└── post007.txt
└── ...
The configurations settings are inside the config.json file. the default configuration looks for posts inside publish, and for the template myblog/blog_template.html building the site will place the generated pages inside myblog/blog/.html
The pagination and page buttons are automatically handled for you based on settings inside config.
The default creates a list of buttons in the order [first_page, back, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, forward, last_page]
each button is a dictionary containing page number, whether or not it is active active, and the appropriate page link.
Look under <!-- paginate -->
in myblog/blog_template.html to see how to access the buttons for your Jinja2 template.