An imperfect implementation of the lolcat
program written in C. The original version was written in V and can be found
in the original-main
- (gnu) make
- A version of gcc or clang that supports c11
- A (*)nix based operating system.
To install lolcat you can run the following commands
git clone
cd lolcat
[sudo] make install
By default, the makefile installs to /usr/local/bin. This can be overridden
with the PREFIX
make install PREFIX=~/.local
- The truecolor and rgb256 colour palettes are the only supported colour palettes. Truecolor is the default colour patlette if it cannot detect your supported colour pallet via
- If you have
set orTERM
is set to dumb, lolcat will exit withEXIT_FAILURE
instead of printing plain text. Usecat
if you don't want coloured text.
- Jim Bumgardner for his excellent tutorial on making annoying rainbows here
- The Ruby Paint Gem for their truecolor to rgb256 conversion logic
- And of cource lolcat