Tags: chrisboulton/puppet-php
* Fixed default `yum_repo` key in `php::repo::redhat` * On Ubuntu precise we now use the ondrej/php5-oldstable ppa. This can be manually enabled with by setting `$php::repo::ubuntu::oldstable` to `true`. * `$php::ensure` now defaults to `present` instead of `latest`. Though, strictly speaking, this represents a functional change, we consider this to be a bugfix because automatic updates should be enabled explicitely. * `$php::ensure` is not anymore passed to `php::extension` resources as default ensure parameter because this doesn't make sense.
* Support for FreeBSD added by Frank Wall * RedHat now uses remi-php56 yum repo by default * The resource `php::fpm::pool` is now public, you can use it in your manifests without using `$php::fpm::pools` * We now have autogenerated documentation using `puppetlabs/strings`
* New parameter `pool_purge` for `php::extension` to remove files not managed by puppet from the pool directory. * The `pecl_source` parameter for `php::extension` was renamend to `source` because it is also useful for PEAR extensions. `pecl_source` can still be used but is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. * Parameters referring to time in `php::fpm::config` can now be specified with units (i.e. `'60s'`, `'1d'`): * `emergency_restart_threshold` * `emergency_restart_interval` * `process_control_timeout` * The PEAR version is not independant of `$php::ensure` and can be configured with `$php::pear_ensure` * Give special thanks to the contributors of this release: * Petr Sedlacek * Sherlan Moriah