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Tags: chrisboulton/puppet-php



Toggle 3.4.2's commit message
Bump version to 3.4.2 in metadata.json


Toggle 3.4.1's commit message
Release 3.4.1


Toggle 3.4.0's commit message
Release 3.4.0


Toggle 3.3.1's commit message
Release 3.3.1


Toggle 3.3.0's commit message
Release 3.3.0


Toggle 3.2.2's commit message
 * Fix a typo in hiera keys `php::settings` & `php::fpm::settings` (v…



Toggle 3.2.1's commit message
 * Fixed default `yum_repo` key in `php::repo::redhat`

 * On Ubuntu precise we now use the ondrej/php5-oldstable ppa. This can be
   manually enabled with by setting `$php::repo::ubuntu::oldstable` to
 * `$php::ensure` now defaults to `present` instead of `latest`. Though,
   strictly speaking, this represents a functional change, we consider this
   to be a bugfix because automatic updates should be enabled explicitely.
 * `$php::ensure` is not anymore passed to `php::extension` resources as
   default ensure parameter because this doesn't make sense.


Toggle 3.2.0's commit message
 * Support for FreeBSD added by Frank Wall

 * RedHat now uses remi-php56 yum repo by default
 * The resource `php::fpm::pool` is now public, you can use it in your
   manifests without using `$php::fpm::pools`
 * We now have autogenerated documentation using `puppetlabs/strings`


Toggle 3.1.0's commit message
 * New parameter `pool_purge` for `php::extension` to remove files not

   managed by puppet from the pool directory.
 * The `pecl_source` parameter for `php::extension` was renamend to
   `source` because it is also useful for PEAR extensions.
   `pecl_source` can still be used but is deprecated and will be
   removed in the next major release.
 * Parameters referring to time in `php::fpm::config` can now be
   specified with units (i.e. `'60s'`, `'1d'`):
   * `emergency_restart_threshold`
   * `emergency_restart_interval`
   * `process_control_timeout`
 * The PEAR version is not independant of `$php::ensure` and can be
   configured with `$php::pear_ensure`
 * Give special thanks to the contributors of this release:
   * Petr Sedlacek
   * Sherlan Moriah


Toggle 3.0.1's commit message
Fix typo in package suffix for php-fpm on RHEL in params.pp