A sqlite powered thumble blog application based on Flask.
Clone the repo first
$ git clone [email protected]:christian-bromann/flask-webdriver-demo.git
$ cd flask-webdriver-demo
Virtualenv is probably what you want to use during development, and if you have shell access to your production machines, you’ll probably want to use it there, too.
$ sudo easy_install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
Now, whenever you want to work on a project, you only have to activate the corresponding environment. On OS X and Linux, do the following:
. venv/bin/activate
Then install all requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you start the application for the first time, you need to initialise the database first:
$ python init_db.py
Run the app by using the Flask CLI
$ flask --app=flaskr run
Replace the existing Sauce Labs credentials in the .travis.yml
yours by executing
$ travis encrypt SAUCE_USERNAME=YOUR_USERNAME --add
$ travis encrypt SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY --add
Make sure that your Sauce credentials are available as environment variables in your terminal, run the following command:
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" >> ~/.bash_profile &&
source ~/.bash_profile
Download and run Sauce Connect. After that start the test by executing:
$ ./test.sh