A simple Discord Bot used by me personally, written for fun.
Coming soon
- Added a new cog for the GaySoundsShiposts discord. Just some custom commands needed for modding.
- Changed to traa command to gss and point to the /r/gaysoundsshitposts subreddit
- Fixed a bug when a user only the '@everyone' role.
- Print settings outputting too big of a message
- perm roles being overwritten
- Custom commands! With and without prefixes, the bot can output a custom message.
- Admin roles to check for perms
The whole bot has been completly rewritten. Its jam packed with new commands, cogs, and functionality. Because of this, I wont be including a full change log. I will fill out the changelog for further versions. But this version should be more stable, have more features, and just be better than before.
- New commands in fun like a reddit scrapper.
- New Utils cog, new commands like avatar, and info
- Admin cog renamed to Settins cog.
- ChangeAvatar updated again to be inline with who avatar deals with avatar images.
- Fixed twitch cog bug that made roxbot crash a lot
Probs more but I forgot honestly
- ChangeAvatar command updated to use a upto date function to download images
- printsetting command created for bot owner to check the serverconfig at the current time
- Changelog created
- Bot was made. Wasn't great. You can check the commits though for more info.