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Mongoose-C++ is a fork of the popular mongoose lightweight web server which aims to add C++ bindings and a easy-to-use API.


  • Object-Oriented high level API, keeping the lightweight mongoose implementation as a backend
  • Easy-to-use controllers sytem to build an application with modules
  • Possibility of enabling JsonCPP to create a json compliant web application
  • Session system to store data about an user using cookies and garbage collect cleaning
  • Simple access to GET & POST requests
  • Websockets support

Hello world

Here is an example, this will serve the static files from www/ directory (which is the default setting) and the /hello page will be answered by a controller which will display the GET name variable, for instance /hello?name=bob will display the string "Hello bob". Default parameter value, if not provided, will be "... waht's your name ?". This is the helloworld program build in the examples:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <mongoose/Server.h>
#include <mongoose/WebController.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace Mongoose;

class MyController : public WebController
        void hello(Request &request, StreamResponse &response)
            response << "Hello " << htmlEntities(request.get("name", "... what's your name ?")) << endl;

        void setup()
            addRoute("GET", "/hello", MyController, hello);

int main()
    MyController myController;
    Server server(8080);


    while (1) {

Building examples

You can build examples using CMake:

mkdir builddir
cd builddir
cmake ..

This will build you the cpp program with examples of GET, POST (form), session and HTTP response code

You can also enable Json example using the -DHAS_JSONCPP=ON option when cmake'ing, this will build the json executable

Websockets are also supported and will be compiled if the -DWEBSOCKET=ON option is set with cmake (which is the default). websocket.cpp will be compiled to the cpp_websocket executable which let you see an example. Note that references to the WebSocket* clients can be keeped to dispatch data to them, which can be really useful to push data to some clients.


The code writing take places in the mongoose/ directory and the whole repository will be merged as often as possible from the original mongoose project.


This project is under MIT license, like the original project it's based on


C++ binding for Mongoose







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