Subclass of UILabel that simplifies work with rich text, providing Markup processing, custom links styling and interaction handling (both tap and long-press gestures), and more
Фреймворк для прохождения System Design интервью
A lightweight UI framework that includes a set of architecture tools and approaches for building scalable, fully multiplatform applications (iOS, Android, Desktop) by leveraging Compose Multiplatform.
Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions and Answers
Official Jetpack Compose samples.
🗺 The Android Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths to help you understand Android ecosystems.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Тимлид – это ❄️, потому что в каждой компании он уникален и неповторим.
An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android
MVI framework with events, time-travel, and more
Sample for some funny things with RecyclerView
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
Example of convenient usage of dagger2 and gradle modules
Android tool which helps to synchronise application behaviours with test thread in automation tests.
A scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java / Kotlin / Android.
🚦 Cicerone is a lightweight library that makes the navigation in an Android app easy.
Store and retrieve streams of POJOs from an Android database using RxJava and Cupboard
Demo project for Testable code in Mobius conference
This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
Automated tests of homework exercises