Management system for FreeBSD bhyve virtual machines
Some of the main features include:
- Now with Windows/UEFI support as of v0.7.2!
- Simple commands to create/start/stop bhyve instances
- Simple configuration file format
- Virtual switches supporting vlans & nat (no manual tap or bridge devices needed)
- ZFS support
- FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/Linux guest support
- Automatic assignment of console devices to access guest console
- Integration with rc.d startup/shutdown
- Guest reboot handling
- Designed with multiple compute nodes + shared storage in mind (NFS/iSCSI/etc)
- Multiple datastores (1.1 only)
- VNC graphics & tmux support (1.1 only. See wiki for instructions)
For most users, I recommend using the version in ports (0.12+), or the 1.0 beta - available as a release on GitHub. Main development happens in the master branch and it may contain broken or incomplete features.
The method of supporting these guests has been heavily changed in 0.10 to
allow more flexibility. These guests will no longer boot without making changes
to the configuration file. (Note the vm configure guest
command can be used to open
the guest configuration in your default editor)
First of all, if you are using Linux, the guest configuration option needs to be changed to linux
For NetBSD & OpenBSD, the following configuration options should be set.
Additionally, any grub commands needed to boot the guest (or the guest installer) need to also be added to the configuration file. Please look at the sample templates in 0.10+ for examples on how these variables are set. This is what the configuration for OpenBSD 5.9 looks like:
grub_install0="kopenbsd -h com0 /5.9/amd64/bsd.rd"
grub_run0="kopenbsd -h com0 -r sd0a /bsd"
The grub_run_partition
option is not required. By default vm-bhyve will use hd0,1
, which is correct
in most cases. It's also possible to specify the correct device and partition directly in the grub commands:
grub_run0="kopenbsd -h com0 -r sd0a (hd0,openbsd1)/bsd"
(However some guests such as Ubuntu will boot automatically, without any boot commands specified, if the correct partition is provided)
The boot
command does not need to be specified if you are running vm-bhyve-0.11 or newer.
This of course means that it is now trivial to adjust these commands if needed, whereas in previous versions of vm-bhyve, they were hard-coded.
is always run on the guest console now, so is accessible via the vm console guest
command. If boot commands are provided, we create a grub.cfg file in the guest directory and
point grub-bhyve
at it. (Please note this file is re-written on each boot and so if changes to
the commands are required, it should be done in the main guest configuration file)
A simple overview of the commands needed to install vm-bhyve and start a freebsd guest. See the sections below for more in-depth details.
1. pkg install vm-bhyve
2. zfs create pool/vm
3. echo 'vm_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
4. echo 'vm_dir="zfs:pool/vm"' >> /etc/rc.conf
5. vm init
6. cp /usr/local/share/examples/vm-bhyve/* /mountpoint/for/pool/vm/.templates/
7. vm switch create public
8. vm switch add public em0
9. vm iso
10. vm create myguest
11. vm [-f] install myguest FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso
12. vm console myguest
Line 1 Install vm-bhvye
Line 2 Create a dataset for your virtual machines. If you're not using ZFS, just create a normal directory.
Lines 3-4 Enable vm-bhyve in /etc/rc.conf and set the dataset to use. If not using ZFS, just set
. -
Line 5 Run the
vm init
command to create the required directories under $vm_dir and load kernel modules. -
Line 6 Install the sample templates that come with vm-bhyve.
Lines 7-8 Create a virtual switch called 'public' and attach your network interface to it. Replace
with whatever interface connects your machine to the network. -
Line 9 Download a copy of FreeBSD from the ftp site.
Lines 10-12 Create a new guest using the
template, run the installer and then connect to its console. At this point proceed through the installation as normal. By specifying the-f
option before the install command, the guest will run directly on your terminal so theconsole
command is not required. (Bear in mind that you won't get back to your terminal until the guest is fully shutdown)
Download the latest release from Github, or install sysutils/vm-bhyve
To install, just run the following command inside the vm-bhyve source directory
# make install
If you want to run guests other than FreeBSD, you will need the grub2-bhyve package;
# pkg install grub2-bhyve
Additionally, while not specifically required, dnsmasq can be used to provid DHCP services when vm-bhyve is configured to run NAT.
# pkg install dnsmasq
First of all, you will need a directory to store all your virtual machines and vm-bhyve configuration. If you are not using ZFS, just create a normal directory:
# mkdir /somefolder/vm
If you are using ZFS, create a dataset to hold vm-bhyve data
# zfs create pool/vm
Now update /etc/rc.conf to enable vm-bhyve, and tell it where your directory is
Or with ZFS:
This directory will be referred to as $vm_dir in the rest of this readme.
Now run the following command to create the directories used to store vm-bhvye configuration and load any necessary kernel modules. This needs to be run once after each host reboot, which is normally handled by the rc.d script
# vm init
When creating a virtual machine, you use a template which defines how much memory to give the guest, how many cpu cores, and networking/disk configuration. The templates are all stored inside $vm_dir/.templates. To install the sample templates, run the following command:
# cp /usr/local/share/examples/vm-bhyve/* /my/vm/path/.templates/
If you look inside the template files with a text editor, you will see they are very simple. You can create as many templates as you like. For example you could have web-server.conf, containing the setting for your web servers, or freebsd-large.conf for large FreeBSD guests, and so on. This is the contents of the default template:
You will notice that each template is set to create one network interface. You can easily add more network interfaces by duplicating the two network configuration options and incrementing the number. In general you will not want to change the type from 'virtio-net', but you will notice the first interface is set to connect to a switch called 'public'. See the next section for details on how to configure virtual switches.
I recommend reading the man page or sample-templates/config.sample
for a full list of supported template
options and a description of their purpose. Almost all bhyve functionality is supported and a large variety
of network/storage configurations can be achieved.
When a guest is started, each network interface is automatically connected to the virtual switch specified in the configuration file. By default all the sample templates connect to a switch called 'public', although you can use any name. The following section shows how to create a switch called 'public', and configure various settings:
# vm switch create public
If you just want to bridge guests to your physical network, add the appropriate real interface to the switch. Obviously you will need to replace em0 here with the correct interface name on your system:
# vm switch add public em0
If you want to use NAT, do not add a physical interface to the switch, as the switch will be on the private side of the NAT network. Just enable NAT on the switch:
# vm switch nat public on
This will automatically create a private network on the switch, and forward guest traffic via your default gateway. Please note that pf must be enabled in /etc/rc.conf for NAT functionality to work. Whilst not strictly required, dnsmasq can be used to provide DHCP services to guests on the NAT network. vm-bhyve will generate a sample dnsmasq.conf file which can be installed for this purpose.
If you want guest traffic to be on a specific VLAN when leaving the host, specify a vlan number. To turn off vlans, just set the vlan number to 0:
# vm switch vlan public 10
# vm switch vlan public 0
You can view current switch configuration using the list command:
# vm switch list
Use one of the following command to create a new virtual machine:
# vm create testvm
# vm create -t templatename -s 50G testvm
The first example uses the default.conf template, and will create a 20GB disk image. The second example specifies the templatename.conf template, and tells vm-bhyve to create a 50GB disk.
You will need an ISO to install the guest with, so download one using the iso command:
# vm iso
To start a guest install, run the following command. vm-bhyve will run the machine in the background, so use the console command to connect to it and finish installation.
# vm install testvm FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
# vm console testvm
You can also specify the foreground option to run the guest directly on your terminal:
# vm -f install testvm FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
Once installation has finished, you can reboot the guest from inside the console and it will boot up into the new OS (assuming installation was successful). Further reboots will work as expected and the guest can be shutdown in the normal way. As the console uses the cu command, type ~+Ctrl-D to exit back to your host.
The following commands start and stop virtual machines:
# vm start testvm
# vm stop testvm
The basic configuration of each machine and state can be viewed using the list command:
# vm list
alpine linux default 1 512M No Stopped
c7 linux default 1 512M Yes [2] Stopped
centos linux default 1 512M No Stopped
debian linux default 1 512M No Stopped
fbsd freebsd default 1 256M No Stopped
netbsd generic grub 1 256M No Stopped
openbsd generic grub 1 256M No Stopped
pf freebsd default 1 256M Yes [1] Stopped
ubuntu linux default 1 512M No Stopped
wintest windows default 2 2G No Running (2796)
All running machines can be stopped using the stopall command
# vm stopall
On host boot, vm-bhyve will use the 'vm startall' command to start all machines. You can control which guests start automatically using the following variables in /etc/rc.conf:
vm_list="vm1 vm2"
The first defines the list of machines to start on boot, and the order to start them. The second is the number of seconds to wait between starting each one. 5 seconds is the recommended setting, although a longer delay is useful if you have disk intensive guests and don't want them all booting at the same time.
There's also a command which opens a guest's confiuration file in your default text editor, allowing you to easily make changes to the configuration. Please note that changes only take effect after a full shutdown and restart of the guest
# vm configure testvm
See the man page for a full description of all available commands.
# man vm
Scenario: If you have a vm on one zpool and would like to add a new virtual disk to it that resides on a different zpool.
Manually create a sparse-zvol (in this case 50G in size).
# zfs create -sV 50G -o volmode=dev "zpool2/vm/yourvm/disk1"
Add it to your vm config file.
Please note, for Windows guests the type will need to be ahci-hd
, as it does not have virtio-blk drivers.
# vm configure yourvm
Restart your vm.
Windows has been very quickly tested as of version 0.7.2 (Using Server 2012R2). I see no reason why other versions supported by bhyve shouldn't work as the basic bhyve commands are all the same. Please note that you need FreeBSD 10.3 or 11-CURRENT for the UEFI support to be functional.
As there is no VGA console, you must follow the instructions at to create an unattended installation ISO. This requires a few packages to be installed but is fairly straight forward if you follow the instructions carefully.
You also need the UEFI firmware, which can be retrieved from
and needs to be placed in $vm_dir/.config/BHYVE_UEFI.fd
Once you have an ISO capable of installing without user interaction, vm-bhyve works as normal.
Just copy the ISO to $vm_dir/.iso/
, then run the following to install:
# vm create -t windows -s 50G winguest
# vm install winguest mywiniso.iso
Installation can take around 25 minutes. If you look in the vm-bhyve.log file in the virtual
machines directory, you should see it reboot twice. After the second reboot (third run in total)
the machine should boot into Windows. Access the Windows console using the vm console winguest
then press i
to get its IP address (It will use DHCP). You can then RDP to the guest.
The default login details are Administrator and Test123.
If you are using the default csh/tcsh shell built into FreeBSD, running the following command should allow autocomplete to work for all the currently supported functions. This is especially useful for viewing and completing guest & ISO file names. Please note that there's three ocurrances of '/path/to/vm' which need to be changed to the directory containing your virtual machines.
To make the autocomplete features available permanently, add the following to your $HOME/.cshrc
file. Then either
logout/login, or run source ~/.cshrc
to cause the .cshrc
file to be reloaded.
complete vm \
'p@1@(list create install start stop console configure reset poweroff destroy clone snapshot rollback add switch iso)@' \
'n@create@n@' \
'n@list@n@' \
'n@iso@n@' \
'n@switch@(list create add remove destroy vlan nat)@' \
'N@switch@`sysrc -inqf /path/to/vm/.config/switch switch_list`@' \
'N@install@`ls -1 /path/to/vm/.iso`@' \
'N@nat@(off on)@' \
'p@2@`ls -1 /path/to/vm | grep -v "^\." | grep -v "^images"`@'