Notify for new items in moodle based lms
Important: MLab is migrating to Mongodb atlast from december 2020. I've no intend to update the code to new database service. Check tinydb branch for working script with local database
For some reasons the LMS used in my university not exposing api for students. So I had to scrap everything and compare them manually to get data about newly added content. Script runs once per an hour. So notifications isn't real time Script is currently hosted in heroku.
Master branch saves data in mlab (due to data presistance issue in heroku which is I am too lazy to solve). If you prefer local storage, check tinydb branch.
- Clone or fork this repo
- Update the
list with your own courses
To find the id, go to lms then click on a course module. ID will be displayed at the end of the URL[courseIDhere]
- If you forked this repo before, commit the changes
- Goto heroku and create a new app
- Goto deploy tab and choose 'heroku git' if you clone the repo, or 'github' if you forked the repo
- Follow the instruction given by heroku
- After deploying app set below enviromental variables
Add these variables in Heroku settings -> Config vars
Variable | Value |
lms-username | moodle(lms) username |
lms-password | moodle(lms) password |
webhookURL | discord notification channel webhook url |
logginURL | heroku log output channel webhook url |
dbUser | database username |
dbPassword | database password |