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Weekly Meeting 2017 03 24
Marcos Simental edited this page Mar 23, 2017
1 revision
<rbradford #startmeeting
<ciaomtgbot> rbradford: Error: A meeting topic is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Infrastructure'
<rbradford> #startmeeting Weekly Ciao meeting
<ciaomtgbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 16 16:14:14 2017 UTC. The chair is rbradford. Information about MeetBot at
<ciaomtgbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
<ciaomtgbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_ciao_meeting'
<rbradford> roll call!
<btwarden> o/
<mrkz> o/
<_erick0zcr> o/
<obedmr> o/
<mcastelino> o/
<rbradford> \o
<rbradford> great, thanks.
<rbradford> #info Mark sends his regrets. Kristen is also out.
<rbradford> Any opens?
<rbradford> #info Mark has prepared our development status this week. Kudos to him.
<rbradford> #topic development status
<rbradford> The image service now supports a new visibility tag. Images can be marked as internal, private and public. Internal images, as the name suggests, are internal images that are used by ciao itself, such as the CNCI image. Public images are created by admins for all users in the cluster, for example a basic Ubuntu 16.04 image. Private images are private to the tenant in which they are created. The introduction of private images allows users to cre
<rbradford> ate and upload images to the image service that only they can see and use. This is a significant improvement to ciao’s image service. See for more details.
<jvillalo [[email protected]] entered the room.
<rbradford> Great work obedmr!
<rbradford> Ciao now supports compute instance migration. There is no explicit instance migration command. Instances are automatically migrated from one compute node to another by the simple act of stopping and restarting them. Both containers and VMs can be migrated, although modification to a container’s rootfs does not persist after migration to a new node. Users wishing to maintain state in a container through a series of migrations will need to store
<rbradford> that state in an attached volume. Live migration and migration of CNCI instances are not yet supported. For more information including some example workflows see
<rbradford> That's Mark's work.
<rbradford> One of the major features introduced during this sprint was a new quotas and limits system for ciao. The new system was merged a few weeks back but elements of the old quota system were still present in the code and were used by some APIs. This week all this legacy code was removed and the APIs were remapped to the new quota system.
<rbradford> A few bug fixes were also merged concerning the quotas BAT tests ( and volume leakage during the failure of instance creation commands (
<rbradford> Finally, our ansible deployment scripts have been updated to reflect the docker ce repo change (
<rbradford> And thats last change is thanks to albertom!
<albertom> I was busy fixing ceph on clearlinux :(
<rbradford> Any questions on what's happened this week?
<rbradford> Don't all shout at once!
<mrkz> :)
<rbradford> Did anybody come up with any opens?
<albertom> ok one open
<albertom> im on vacation next week
<mrkz> obedmr: aren't you on vacations too next week?
<obedmr> oh, yeah, me too, the whole week
<rbradford> okay, thanks for the info.
<tcpepper> I don't have anything
<rbradford> #info obedmr & albertom will be OOP WW12
<rbradford> Technically our gatekeepers should change this week to Kristen and Mark but i'm happy to continue for the remainder of this week. Tim Can you cover US?
<rbradford> tcpepper, ^
<rbradford> okay i'll ping him later
<rbradford> #info rbradford to continue UK gatekeeper coverage until markus return. US coverage ??
<rbradford> Right, that's all folks!
<rbradford> #endmeeting