Where are the devs at? Devzat!
Devzat is chat over SSH. Because there's SSH apps literally on all platforms, even your phone, you can connect to Devzat on any device!
Try it out:
ssh devzat.hackclub.com
If you're under a firewall, you can still join on port 443:
ssh devzat.hackclub.com -p 443
If you add this to ~/.ssh/config
Host chat
HostName devzat.hackclub.com
You'll be able to join with just:
ssh chat
We also have a Slack bridge! If you're on the Hack Club Slack, check out the #ssh-chat-bridge
Welcome to Devzat! Devzat is chat over SSH: github.com/quackduck/devzat
Because there's SSH apps on all platforms, even on mobile, you can join from anywhere.
Interesting features:
• Many, many commands. Check em out by using /commands.
• Built in Tic Tac Toe and Hangman! Run /tic or /hang <word>
• Markdown support! Tables, headers, italics and everything. Just use "\n" in place of newlines.
You can even send ascii art with code fences. Run /ascii-art to see an example.
• Emoji replacements 🔥 ! :rocket: => 🚀 (like on Slack and Discord)
• Code syntax highlighting. Use Markdown fences to send code. Run /example-code to see an example.
For replacing newlines, I often use bulkseotools.com/add-remove-line-breaks.php.
Made by Ishan Goel with feature ideas from friends.
Thanks to Caleb Denio for lending his server!
Available commands
#<user> <msg> Privately message people
/users List users
/nick <name> Change your name
/tz <zone> Change timezone as per IANA (eg: /tz Asia/Dubai)
/color <color> Change your name color
/tic <move> Play Tic Tac Toe!
/hang <letter/word> Play Hangman!
/all Get a list of all unique users ever
/emojis See a list of emojis
/people See info about nice people who joined
/exit Leave the chat
/hide Hide messages from HC Slack
/bell Toggle the ansi bell
/id <user> Get a unique identifier for a user
/ban <user> Ban a user, requires an admin pass
/kick <user> Kick a user, requires an admin pass
/help Show help
/commands Show this message
People who you might know who have joined:
Zach Latta - Founder of Hack Club: "omg amazing! this is so awesome"
Ant Wilson - Co founder, Supabase: "brilliant!"
Bereket @heybereket: "this is pretty cool"
Ayush @ayshptk: "Can I double star the repo somehow 🥺"
Sanketh @SankethYS: "Heck! How does this work. So cool."
Tony Dinh @tdinh_me: "supeer cool, oh, open source as well? yeah"
Srushti @srushtiuniverse: "Yess it's awesome. I tried it."
Surjith @surjithctly: "Whoa, who made this?"
Arav @HeyArav: "Okay, this is actually super awesome."
Harsh @harshb__: "im gonna come here everyday to chill when i get bored of studying lol, this is so cool"
Krish @krishnerkar_: "SHIT! THIS IS SO DOPE"
Amrit @astro_shenava: "Super cool man"
Mudrank @mudrankgupta: "🔥🚀🚀"
From Hack Club:
Caleb Denio, Safin Singh, Eleeza A
Jubril, Sarthak Mohanty, Anghe
Tommy Pujol, Sam Poder, Rishi Kothari
Amogh Chaubey, Ella Xu, Hugo Hu
Matthew Stanciu
Huge thanks to the amazing Caleb Denio for lending me the original Devzat server 💖