is a library designed to simplify and enhance the use of react-router-dom
v6. It offers an easy setup process, type safety, and auto-completion for your routes, making your routing configuration clear and maintainable.
- Type Safety: Ensures that your route paths and parameters are type-checked.
- Auto-complete: Provides auto-completion for your route paths.
- Easy Integration: Integrate with your existing routing setup without breaking your code.
- Supports react-router-dom v6: Currently supports react-router-dom v6 with plans to support v5 and v4 very soon
npm install react-magic-router
Add type and declare global type
import type { MappedGlobalRouter, RouteObjectMagic } from 'react-magic-router';
path: 'forgot-password',
element: <ForgotPasswordPage />,
query: 'email'
path: 'verify-otp',
element: <VerifyOtpPage />,
query: 'email&type' // <-- your query 'email,type'
path: ':id/profile', // <-- your param ':id'
element: <ProfilePage />,
// ... other routes
] as const satisfies RouteObjectMagic[]; // <-- Add this
export const routes = [
path: '/',
children: [
path: '/auth',
element: <PublicLayout />,
children: PUBLIC_ROUTES,
// ...other routes
] as const satisfies RouteObjectMagic[]; // <-- Add this
// This declaration type is required
declare module 'react-magic-router' {
type GlobalMagicRouter = MappedGlobalRouter<typeof routes>;
-------------- root app ----------------
import { RouterProvider, createBrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import {routes} from './your-path'
const router = createBrowserRouter(routes); // the same way with you setup react router v6
<RouterProvider router={router} />
To navigate
import { useMagicRouter } from './path-to-your-hook';
function MyComponent() {
const { navigate } = useMagicRouter();
const handleNavigationToVerifyOtp = () => {
path: '/auth/verify-otp', // <-- this will show autocomplete path for you choose
query: { email: '[email protected]',type:"..." } // <-- this type will take when you define query of path '/auth/verify-otp' is 'email&type' parse to { email: string , type: string } type
const handleNavigationToProfile =(id:string)=>{
path: '/auth/:id/profile',
param: {
} // <--- this param will extract form '/auth/:id/profile' parse to { id: string } type
return (
To get param
import { useMagicRouter } from './path-to-your-hook';
function MyComponent() {
const { query } = useMagicRouter('/auth/verify-otp');
// query will have { email: string , type: string } type
const { params } = useMagicRouter('/auth/:id/profile');
// params will have { id: string } type
return (
import type { RouteObject } from "react-router-dom";
// RouteObjectMagic is extra type of RouteObject
type RouteObjectMagic = {
children?: RouteObjectMagic[];
query?: string;
} & DeepReadonly<Omit<RouteObject, "children">>;
// query will is string but this require format
// query = 'email' -> { email: string}
// query = 'email&otp' -> { email: string , otp: string}
// query = 'email&otp&...' -> { email: string, otp: string, ...}
- No JSX Support for Nested Routes: Currently does not support nested routes configured with JSX.
- react-router-dom v5 and v4: Support for these versions is coming soon.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.