A playground for playing around with various Airflow deployment architectures.
- Vagrant
- docker-compose
Starting the Worker Virtual Machine
$ vagrant up
Starting the WebServer and Scheduler
$ docker-compose up -d web scheduler
Logging in as Admin
1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080
2. Enter credentials
username: admin
password: secret
- Want to cleanup exited containers and dangling images?
$ ./cleanup.sh
- Search LDAP
Ensure ldap container is up
$ docker-compose up -d ldap
Get Bash in Ldap container
$ docker-compose exec ldap /bin/bash
# Search
(in container) $ ldapsearch -x -b dc=cjavellana,dc=me -h localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=cjavellana,dc=me" -w secret
# Showing user's group membership
(in container) $ ldapsearch -x -b dc=cjavellana,dc=me -h localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=cjavellana,dc=me" -w secret memberof
- Stopping Airflow Services
$ docker-compose stop web scheduler ldap
$ vagrant halt