SpringBootCodeGenerator Public
Forked from moshowgame/SpringBootCodeGenerator又名大狼狗代码生成器,基于SpringBoot2+Freemarker的JAVA代码生成器,以释放双手为目的,支持mysql/oracle/pgsql三大数据库, 用DDL-SQL语句生成JPA/JdbcTemplate/Mybatis/MybatisPlus/BeetlSQL等相关代码.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2023 -
service-flow Public
Forked from itrickzhang/service-flow微服务流程编排框架,支持方法节点、bean节点、条件节点、服务节点、子流程节点
Java UpdatedJun 17, 2022 -
ES-Fastloader-1 Public
Forked from didi/ES-FastloaderQuickly build large-scale ElasticSearch indices by using the fault tolerance and parallelism of Hadoop
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 4, 2020 -
CodeMaker Public
Forked from x-hansong/CodeMakerA idea-plugin for Java/Scala, support custom code template.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 24, 2019 -
ES-Fastloader Public
Forked from moutainhigh/ES-Fastloader基于Hadoop Map/Reduce分布式计算能力,快速为海量数据构建ElasticSearch索引
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
CookieMonster Public
Forked from benjholla/CookieMonsterA utility for exfiltrating cookies from local browser cookie stores
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 18, 2019 -
crm-sales Public
Forked from jorrellz/crm-salesHalo框架对应demo
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2018 -
dddlib Public
Forked from dayatang/dddlibA DDD (Domain Driven Design) Library, derived from the idea of Eric Evans' book: 'Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software'
Java UpdatedJun 14, 2018 -
hangzhou_house_knowledge Public
Forked from houshanren/hangzhou_house_knowledge2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so…
CSS UpdatedFeb 26, 2018 -
Spock-PowerMock Public
Forked from will-gilbert/Spock-PowerMockUsing the Spock Framework with PowerMock
Java UpdatedFeb 2, 2018