is a project that contains the collection of my implementations on machine learning (models + tests) mainly based on TensorFlow and PyTorch
I am actively responsible for this project, and there will be more models in the future ...
You are more than welcome to send an email to me in English / Chinese for any suggestion or question, I will try my best to answer as soon as I see it
The following command downloads the whole project, however it is large. It is recommended to manually download the files (you need)
git clone
Any test file can be run directly
The main dependence is:
I write each model as a single Class with fit()
and predict()
methods (scikit-learn API style), and then write separate test files for different incoming data. All the code below follow this style.
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Information Retrieval
- Computer Vision
Python | Adaboost Classifier Pseudocode Model Test |
TensorFlow | MLP Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
PyTorch | MLP Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | Conv2D Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
PyTorch | Conv2D Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | LSTM Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
PyTorch | LSTM Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | Stacked Autoencoder (weights-tied) Model MNIST Test |
TensorFlow | Denoising Autoencoder Model MNIST Test |
TensorFlow | Sparse Autoencoder Model MNIST Test |
TensorFlow | Variational Autoencoder Model MNIST Test |
TensorFlow | Conv2D Autoencoder (weights-tied) Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | MLP Highway Classifier Model MNIST Test |
Python | Text Cleaning
Python | Word Indexing
Sklearn | TF-IDF + Logistic Regression IMDB Test |
TensorFlow | Conv1D Model IMDB Test | Concat Conv1D Model IMDB Test Result |
TensorFlow | Bi-directional LSTM + Attention Model IMDB Test Result |
PyTorch | Bi-directional LSTM + Attention Model IMDB Test Result |
Python | 2nd order Markov Model Robert Frost Test |
TensorFlow | Char-RNN Karpathy's Idea Model | 《Anna Karenina》 Test | Beijing Address Test |
TensorFlow | CNN-RNN Original Paper Model Test |
TensorFlow | LSTM Model | POS Tagging Test | Chinese Segmentation Test |
TensorFlow | Bi-directional LSTM Model | POS Tagging Test | Chinese Segmentation Test |
TensorFlow | Bi-directional LSTM + CRF Model |
PyTorch | LSTM Model | POS Tagging Test | Chinese Segmentation Test |
PyTorch | Bi-directional LSTM Model | POS Tagging Test | Chinese Segmentation Test |
TensorFlow | Dynamic Seq2Seq Model Sorting Test |
TensorFlow | Dynamic Seq2Seq + Bi-directional Encoder Model Sorting Test |
TensorFlow | Dynamic Seq2Seq + Attention Model Sorting Test Result |
TensorFlow | Dynamic Seq2Seq + Beam-Search Decoder Model Sorting Test |
TensorFlow | Ultimate: Bi-directional Encoder + Attention + Beam-Search Decoder Model Sorting Test |
Python | Collborative Filtering | MovieLens User-based Test | NBA 2013-14 Player-based Test
TensorFlow | Matrix Factorization Model MovieLens Test |
OP | Resize
OP | Rotations
Segmentation | Contours
Segmentation | Sorting Contours
Detection | Face & Eye Detection Using Cascade Classifier
Detection | Walker & Car Detection Using Cascade Classifier