Awesome-Hacking Public
Forked from Hack-with-Github/Awesome-HackingA collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
axios Public
Forked from axios/axiosPromise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
bills-kitchen Public
Forked from tknerr/bills-kitchenAll you need for cooking with Chef and Vagrant on Windows you will find in Bill's Kitchen
bluebird Public
Forked from petkaantonov/bluebirdBluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 30, 2015 -
express-enforces-ssl Public
Forked from hengkiardo/express-enforces-sslEnforces SSL for Node.js ExpressJS projects
JavaScript UpdatedMay 8, 2016 -
integration_tests Public
Forked from theQRL/integration_testsQRL Integration Tests
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2018 -
raml-mocker Public
Forked from repocho/raml-mockerNode module to create random responses to requests based on RAML rest definition.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2015 -
sample-toplevel-cookbook Public
Forked from tknerr/sample-toplevel-cookbookA sample "top-level cookbook" depending on some "application cookbooks"
Ruby UpdatedJan 27, 2016 -
slate Public
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
JavaScript Other UpdatedMar 29, 2017 -