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                              ReFeed Instructions

Table of Contents

     * Overview
     * Installation
     * Use/Features
          + View Feeds
          + Add Feeds
          + View Posts
          + Keyboard Sensitivity
     * Special Features
          + Archive/Disinter
          + Publish/Revoke
          + Primary Link Selection
          + Metadata
          + Republishing
     * License


   reFeed is a PHP-based server-side RSS aggregator/reader that allows
   for quick, easy, iterative filtering, editing and re-syndicating of
   posts. Its output is an RSS feed that contains numerous metadata
   necessary to re-publish posts with appropriate attribution.

   reFeed is derived from a project called Feed-on-Feeds by Steve
   Minutillo (


   Please see the INSTALL file in this directory for installation


     * The operation of reFeed should be pretty self-explanatory. Like
       most other news/feed readers, it has a page to view all your
       feeds, a page to add feeds, a page to view posts for one or more
       feeds, and a viewing mode that uses frames, for easier switching
       between feeds. We hope that these functions are self-explanatory.
         1. View feeds
            Screenshot of page of feeds 
         2. Add feeds
            Accessed from "Add Feeds" link in header.
            Screenshot of add feeds interface 
         3. View posts
            accessed from "View" links in header, or by clicking on the
            title of a feed
            Screenshot of page of items 
         4. Keyboard sensitivity:
            reFeed is now almost entirely controllable using keyboard
            shortcuts. Type ? on any screen to see what keyboard
            functionality is available. If you hate it, it can be
            disabled with a configuration flag in the config file (see
            Screenshot of keyboard menu 

Special Features

     * Where reFeed differs from typical feed readers is in the
       funcionality it adds to facilitate republishing of the posts you
       are reading. Before describing this functionality, there is some
       terminology worth establishing:
         1. Archive/Disnter
               o Archive
                 To Archive an item is to mark it as read so it is no
                 longer appears when viewing new items.
                 Archive button
               o Disinter
                 To Disinter an item is to mark it as unread so it will
                 appear when viewing new items.
                 Disinter button
         2. Publish/Revoke
               o Publish Item
                 To Publish an item is to mark it for inclusion in your
                 outgoing RSS feeds, presumably to be consumed by other
                 readers or a reBlog plugin.
                 Publish button
               o Revoke Item
                 To Revoke an item is to make it no no longer public
                 Revoke button
               o Publish Feed
                 To Publish a feed is to set the default state for items
                 coming from that feed as published (note this only
                 applies to items forthcoming, not items currently in the
                 Revoke button
               o Revoke Feed
                 To Revoke a feed is to reset the default state so that
                 fortcoming items are not marked as published.
                 Publish button
         3. Primary Link Selection/Unselection
               o Selected Link
                 To Select a link within an item is to mark that link as
                 the primary link that will be included with the item in
                 any output feed.
                 Selected Link button
               o Unselected Link
                 The only way to Unselect a link is to Select a different
                 link in that item.
                 Unselected Link button
         4. Metadata
               o Comments
                 You can attach your personal commentray to items that
                 you will publish.
                 ReFeed lets you tag posts. Really it is just a text
                 field that you can populate with keywords, for use in
                 tag- and category-supporting systems such as
       , flickr, and Movable Type.
                 Screenshot of comment form 
     * While the basic feed-reading in reFeed should speak for itself,
       the re-publishing features may require some explanation:
         1. Primary Link Selection
            On the view page, for items that have multiple links embedded
            within their content, you are able to select which link
            should be the primary link in the output feed. Notice that
            each link (including the main title link) has an accompanying
            star. Simply select the preferred star to select the main
            link for that item.
            Screenshot of page of items 
         2. Preview/Edit page
            This page which allows you to edit and preview any one item.
            You can change the title, primary link, or content of the
            item, and add comments and subject tags.
            This page also allows you to preview the item in a
            user-defined visual format so that you can see how the item
            will look in your final output blog. Edit
            thestyle/templates/page-preview.tplfile (include the link to
            your stylesheet) to match the HTML formatting in your nicely
            designed reBlog.
            Screenshot of preview/edit interface 
         3. RSS output
            All items marked as published within the last 24 hours, or
            published in the past but re-edited within the last 24 hours,
            are displayed in the rss output (the rss.php page). This feed
            includes metadata for proper attribution of the original item
         4. Incoming Item Updates
            On import from your input feeds, items are not uniquely
            identified by simply by their feed and by their link. Now,
            items are uniquely identified one of two ways, depending on
            the structure of their source feed:
            If the source feed contains some kind of global unique
            identifier (GUID) for a item, such as a <guid> or <id> or
            <dc:identifier> element, this GUID is used. If a item is
            updated in its source feed, the same item is updateed in
            reFeed, and the items is marked as unread.
            Otherwise, items are identified uniquely by their feed,
            title, link, and content. This has positive effect of of
            catching updates to items in your input RSS feeds. It also
            has the consequence of retaining very similar copies of the
            same item if reFeed checks the same feed repeatedly while the
            author is updating his/her items.
            To keep from being assaulted with multiple copies of the same
            item when pouring through new content, reFeed has implemented
            the following policy: On import of any item, all earlier
            items from the same feed sharing the same link that have not
            been marked as read or published will be marked as read. They
            are still accessible, but only the newest version will be
            shown when viewing new items.


   reFeed is distributed under the GPL (see the LICENSE file in this
   directory), though some of its included libraries (in./library/) are


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