Command line application and simple REST API. Questions - you can find them here
- Clone the project using
git clone
- Open the project directory
cd booking_go
- Run
npm install
in your terminal to install all dependencies - Run
npm test
to run unit tests.
To run the script use node app.js pickupLocation dropoffLocation minPassangers supplier
have the following formatlatitude,longitude
is an integer- If supplier is not provided, all available suppliers will be fetched.
Example: node app.js 51.470020,-0.454295 51.5112079,-0.1215334 3
- To start a local server for the REST api run
node api.js
- Make a GET request to
to test the API. The following endpoints are available
Query parameters
{supplier: "string", pickup: "lat,lon", dropoff: "lat,lon", min: int}
Example response
{"message": "No result"}
Query parameters
{pickup: "lat,lon", dropoff: "lat,lon", min: int}
Example response
"MINIBUS - dave - 284791",
"PEOPLE_CARRIER - dave - 536676",
"LUXURY - dave - 616931",
"STANDARD - dave - 628005"