Réseau Citiz
- Strasbourg, FR
(UTC +01:00) - clementlize.com
always-on-personal-station Public
If you don't know what to do with the tablet your grandmother gave you 10 years ago, this is the project you need.
firestore-tools Public
Simplify your life when using Google Firebase Firestore realtime database browser: fullscreen mode, auto-collapse fields.
rekordtools Public
A set of tools to improve Rekordbox
react-mui-mapbox-geocoder Public
Forked from wheredoesyourmindgo/react-mui-mapbox-geocoderA Material UI Autosuggest'ing Mapbox Geocoder for locating addresses and points of interest.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
react-map-gl-draw Public
Forked from urbica/react-map-gl-drawReact Component for Mapbox GL Draw
covid19-attestation Public
This website generates exemption certificates for France covid19 lockdowns with a single click. The user data is stored in cookies and the website is maintained with the latest certificates.
mail-n7 Public
This websites make stats about the emails received on my school address. The front-end is made with reactJS and the back-end with express based on NodeJS.
full-led-strip Public
Arduino project. Make the best of your neopixel ledstrip with cool animations and music reaction. Use your phone or a vocal assistant to control it.
C++ UpdatedDec 7, 2020 -
exemption-certificate-during-lockdown-q4-2020 Public
Forked from LAB-MI/attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020 public
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
react-open-weather Public
Forked from farahat80/react-open-weatherReact open weather is a React Component loading forecast data from OpenWeather API
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2020