SAS macros that are similar to useful R functions.
The SAS macro %colnames() generates a listing of variable names in the SAS log (vertically and horizontally).
The macro is similar to R base function colnames().
In addition, the macro generates the dataset qx_0000_ddt in the library work, that contains the column number, column name/variable name, column label, column format, the length of the column name and the length of the label.
The dataset includes flags for variable names that are greater than 8 characters or labels greater than 40 characters, which helps to quickly check if SAS xpt specifications are followed.
The SAS Macro %gather() transposes a dataset from fat to skinny (normalization) or from a wide to a long dataset.
The macro is similar to R function tidyr:::gather().
The macro produces key/value pairs.
%gather(DbIn, Key, Value, Exclude, DbOut, ValFormat=, WithFormats=N);
NOTE: Option WithFormats executes the SAS function fmtinfo() that requires SAS version 9.4 above!
DbIn: input dataset
Key: name of key variable in output (should not be a column name!)
Value: name of variable with values in output (should not be a column name!)
Exclude: is the -exclude variable (ID variable) - must be a column name
(or more column names/primary keys, or empty)
DbOut: output dataset
ValFormat: Character format of variable with values (default character $200.)
numeric formats not possible w/o NOTE: character values converted
not possibe for (numeric) dates (dates as character only)
WithFormats: Output of the associated SAS Formats (e.g. char, num, time, date, datetime) in
Variable _ColForm and _ColTyp
(additional feature)
Please Note: SAS function fmtinfo() requires SAS 9.4 above!
Avoid SAS note
SAS NOTE: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 characters long. You might have unbalanced quotation marks
To avoid use:
options noquotelenmax;