Description goes here
- Account: people go here
- Strategy: people go here
- Back End: people go here
- Front End: people go here
- Design: people go here
make setup venv=wedding && workon wedding && make install
IP: 12.345.67.890
This is where you describe how the project is deployed in production.
- Clear liftoff/liftoff/templates/robots.txt file
- Make sure ALLOWED_HOSTS is set in the settings
- Create Media Folder (if necessary)
- Install BitTorrent Sync (
- Add Folder to Sync
- Secret Key:
- Select media folder to sync.
TODO: Write account credentials for all accounts associated with this project(ex. Stripe, Mailchip, etc.)
###Example Account
- username: lift
- password: liftpassword
TODO: Write any additional notes you have for this project