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Lists (1)
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kicadStepUp: ECAD to MCAD FreeCAD WorkBench
A python script using RTL-SDR and OpenCV to create fast 2D electromagnetic maps.
A template for MkDocs publishing via GitHub Action
Basic ESPNow proxy component for esphome supporting unicast and broadcast.
A Chrome extension that “steals” a button from every website you open.
C++ library for the esp32 NimBLE stack based on and mostly compatible with @nkolban cpp_utils BLE library.
This project aims to show how you can use a ESP32 to send BLE advertisement packets in the BTHome format.
simple wizmote implementation that works with WLED
Expanded capabilities for wizmote when used with wled
zango-me / wled_wizmote
Forked from krakowski/wizmodA custom firmware for the WizMote to make incompatible versions work with WLED
This package implements ESPHome components to low-code support Bluetooth Low Eneregy BTHome device standalone reception, and a leverage this protocol over ad-hoc routerless WiFi transmission over E…
Linux CarPlay client application for "AutoBox" dongles
Vahana VR & VideoStitch Studio: software to create immersive 360° VR video, live and in post-production
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20A 5V-60V Ideal Diode using the LTC4359 controller
Online utility for generating envelopes in PDF format for printing
Implementation, and documentation of the USB debug protocol spoken by ISDT chargers
Convert any LCSC components (including EasyEDA) to KiCad library