If you want to test the latest features, you can download the latest snapshot.
To install it, Settings -> Plugins -> Install from disk and restart your IDE.
- You can specify databases (separated by comma , character) in the configuration. It prevents the plugin to discover the server databases and allows to connect directly to the databases you set (issues #31 and #35).
- $unwind, $limit and $skip operations for aggregation have been fixed (issue #32)
This release supports more than one mongo server, so you will need to reconfigure it after installing it.
This plugin integrates MongoDB Servers with database/collections tree, Query Runner and Shell console.
This plugin was built with JDK 1.6 and ideaIU-11.1.4 version.
Download this plugin from your IDE (Mongo Plugin)
When you open the Mongo explorer, you will see an empty tree :
- To manager your Mongo servers, click on the Mongo Settings button located on the upper toolbar of the Mongo explorer Right Panel
- You can edit your mongo shell path with a test button
- To add a server, click on the [+] button and a dialog will appear
- Set a label for your server, this will be more convenient to distinguish each of them in the Mongo explorer
- If the server requires authentication, you can put your credentials
- You can let the plugin connect to the server on the IDE startup by clicking on the corresponding checkbox
- If you want to hide some collections, you can put them in the Collections to ignore field.
- You can click on the Test Connection button to check your server configuration
The tree displays for each server all databases with its collections. Just double-click on a collection and the results will be displayed in the Mongo Runner panel. If you double-click on another collection, a new tab will appears side of the previous.
The panel is divided into 2 parts.
- Right part displays the results of the query in a tree (max. 300 records).
You can copy the result and paste in a text editor.
If you use the Darcula Theme then the results are displayed as follow:
- Left part allows to specify a query (in json format).
When you type CTRL+SPACE key shortcut a popup is displayed in which you can select query operator.
Either you click on the run query button or else type CTRL+ENTER shortcut to run the query If your server version is at least 2.2, you can use the aggregation framework. You can add a pipeline operation by clicking on the [+] button. You can also copy/paste the query you wrote.
If you have an error during query execution, a feedback panel is displayed below:
- In case of bad JSON syntax
- In case of general error
Note: If you use Ultimate Edition, JSON syntax highlighting is enabled.
If you set the mongo client path (e.g. /usr/bin/mongo), you can run the console by clicking the menu item Tools -> Mongo Shell.
I would like to thank:
- MongoDB team
- Mongo Java Driver team
- Jetbrains Team for the great sources of the Groovy Plugin that help me to improve this stuff
- Mark James author of the famfamfam web site who provides beautiful icons.
- Jean Baptiste Potonnier for the suggestion to create this plugin
- Neko team, my first beta testers ;)
- All users of this plugin who sent me valuable suggestions.
- My wife and my daughter who support me to have fun in software development and also remind me my husband/father duty ;).