Slide it allows for you to slide to a specific slide number in your nivo slideshow. This has not been tested using multiple slideshows on one page. It has been tested in FF12, Chrome 18, and IE9.
Simply insert a link into your document with the following syntax:
<a name="slideTo#NUM#" rel="#SLIDE#">
Replace #NUM# with anything you want, all you need is to make sure the slideTo is in the name. Replace #SLIDE# with the number of the slide you want to link to. (This is based on the first image in the slideshow being 1).
Try our demo site:
The code has been changed at line: 204 - 212, if you would like to view what changes we have made.
This script is provided as-is and may not work as intended, etc. If you have problems feel free to post to our issues page.
Thanks, Justin
- Slide it Function v0.1.0
- Git Hub:
- Copyright 2012, Justin Porter
- Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.
- April 2012
If you really like this solution feel free to help us out and donate towards further development:
Thanks again!