This repository contains a comprehensive collection of reusable Terraform modules for AWS infrastructure provisioning. Each module is designed to be modular, maintainable, and follows AWS best practices.
- aws-terraform-core-vpc: Core VPC infrastructure setup
- aws-terraform-vpc: Standard VPC configuration
- aws-terraform-peering: VPC peering connections
- aws-terraform-tgw: Transit Gateway configuration
- aws-terraform-vpn: VPN connection setup
- aws-terraform-ec2: EC2 instance provisioning
- aws-terraform-eks: Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster setup
- aws-terraform-s3: S3 bucket configuration
- aws-terraform-dynamodb: DynamoDB tables
- aws-terraform-rds: Relational Database Service
- aws-terraform-rds-aurora: Amazon Aurora cluster setup
- aws-terraform-redis: ElastiCache Redis configuration
- aws-terraform-accounts: AWS account management
- aws-terraform-acm: AWS Certificate Manager
- aws-terraform-cloudtrail: CloudTrail logging
- aws-terraform-iam: IAM resource management
- account: Account-level IAM settings
- assumable-role: Cross-account role assumption
- groups: IAM group management
- policies: Custom IAM policies
- roles: IAM roles
- service-accounts: Service account configuration
- users: IAM user management
- aws-terraform-apigw: API Gateway setup
- aws-terraform-eventbridge: EventBridge/CloudWatch Events
- aws-terraform-sns: Simple Notification Service
Each module follows a consistent structure:
├── # Module documentation
├── # Main module logic
├── # Input variables
├── # Output values
└── # (optional) Provider version constraints
Each module can be used by referencing it in your Terraform configuration:
module "example" {
source = "git::https://[email protected]/cloudon-one/aws-terraform-modules.git//aws-terraform-<service>?ref=main"
# Module specific variables
# ...
- Terraform >= 1.0
- AWS Provider
- Valid AWS credentials configured
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For issues, feature requests, or support:
- Check the module's README for specific documentation
- Open an issue in the repository
- Submit a pull request with proposed changes
For detailed documentation on each module, please refer to the respective README files within each module directory.