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Forward all your logs to the Rapid7 Insight Platform, like a breeze.

InsightOps dashboard


Mandatory arguments


You can supply the tokens using command line arguments:

  • --logstoken: Log token for logs
  • --statstoken: Log token for stats
  • --eventstoken: Log token for events
  • --token: Log token which is used for the above tokens if one is not provided.
    • You can supply only this token and it'll be used for logs, stats and events.

You can also supply log, stats and event tokens using environment variables.

When both command line arguments and environment variables are supplied, the command line arguments are used.

  • INSIGHT_LOGSTOKEN: Log token for logs
  • INSIGHT_STATSTOKEN: Log token for stats
  • INSIGHT_EVENTSTOKEN: Log token for events
  • INSIGHT_TOKEN: Log token which is used for any of the above tokens if one is not provided.
    • You can only supply this token and it'll be used for logs, stats and events.


You need to supply the region to forward your logs to with either of these arguments:

  • -r <REGION>
  • --region <REGION>

E.g. -r 'eu'

Optional arguments

  • --no-stats if you do not want stats to be published to the Rapid7 Insight Platform every second. You need this flag for Docker version < 1.5

  • --no-logs if you do not want logs to be published to the Rapid7 Insight Platform.

  • --no-docker-events if you do not want events to be published to the Rapid7 Insight Platform.

  • -i, --statsinterval <STATSINTERVAL> downsamples the logs sent to the Rapid7 Insight Platform. It collects samples and averages them before sending.

  • -a/--add allows you to add a fixed value to the data being published. This follows the format <name>=<value>.

    • If you don't use the -a flag, a default value of host="$(uname -n)" will be added.
    • You cannot supply multiple -a flags
  • --no-secure if you want your logs to be sent to the Insight Platform un-encrypted (no TSL/SSL).

  • --log-level to specify the logging level for the r7insight_docker container itself.

    • Can also be enabled by specifying the environment variable INSIGHT_LOG_LEVEL E.g. INSIGHT_LOG_LEVEL=info
    • By default the logger is silent unless a logger level is defined


You can also filter the containers for which logs/stats are forwarded.

  • Please ensure you correctly escape the regex pattern since these can be expanded/interpreted by your shell; ideally in single-quotes.
    • Use '.*nginx.*' rather than .*nginx.*
  • Do not supply the REGEX pattern in a LEQL fashion as in the UI, filtering is based on normal regular expressions.
    • Use '.*nginx.*', not '/.*nginx.*/', note the removed foreslashes.
  • For each of the arguments below you can only supply at most one of each.
    • Use --skipByName '.*(nginx|haproxy).*'

    • Do not use

      --skipByName '.*nginx.*' --skipByName '.*haproxy.*'
  • --matchByName '<REGEX>': forward logs/stats only for the containers whose name matches the given <REGEX>.
  • --matchByImage '<REGEX>': forward logs/stats only for the containers whose image matches the given <REGEX>.
  • --skipByName '<REGEX>': do not forward logs/stats for the containers whose name matches the given <REGEX>.
  • --skipByImage '<REGEX>': do not forward logs/stats for the containers whose image matches the given <REGEX>.

Usage as a Container

The simplest way to forward all your container logs to the Rapid7 Insight Platform is to run this repository as a container.

  • If you are using this container in production please ensure that you pin the version of the image.
    • Use rapid7/r7insight_docker:1.2.3 rather than rapid7/r7insight_docker:latest since latest might pull in breaking changes if a new version is released
    • You can see the the available versions here.

Docker Arguments

The --read-only docker flag specifies that the container file system will be read-only. This is not a requirement but since currently there's no need for writing, it makes the container more secure.

The --security-opt=no-new-privileges docker flag sets a kernel bit which stops the process or its children from gaining additional privileges via setuid or sgid. Once again not required, but increases security.


docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
           --read-only \
           --security-opt=no-new-privileges \
           rapid7/r7insight_docker \
           -t <TOKEN> \
           -r <REGION> \
           -j \
           -a host="$(uname -n)"

You can also use different tokens for logging, stats and events:

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
           --read-only \
           --security-opt=no-new-privileges \
           rapid7/r7insight_docker \
           -l <LOGSTOKEN> \
           -k <STATSTOKEN> \
           -e <EVENTSTOKEN> \
           -r <REGION> \
           -j \
           -a host="$(uname -n)"

Running in a restricted environment

Some environments (such as Google Compute Engine) do not allow to access the Docker socket without special privileges. You will get EACCES(Error: read EACCES) error if you try to run the container. To run the container in such environments add --privileged to the docker run command.


docker run --privileged \
           -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
           --read-only \
           --security-opt=no-new-privileges \
           rapid7/r7insight_docker \
           -t <TOKEN> \
           -r <REGION> \
           -j \
           -a host="$(uname -n)"

Usage as a CLI

$ npm install r7insight_docker -g
$ r7insight_docker -t "$TOKEN" -r "$REGION" -a host="$(uname -n)"

Embedded usage

Install it with: npm install r7insight_docker --save

Then, in your JS file:

const insight = require('r7insight_docker');

const logger = insight.utils.start({
  json: false, // or true to parse lines as JSON
  secure: true, // or false to connect over plain TCP
  region: "eu", // specify region
  token: process.env.TOKEN, // Insight Platform TOKEN
  newline: true, // Split on newline delimited entries
  stats: true, // disable stats if false
  add: null, // an object whose properties will be added

  // the following options limit the containers being matched
  // so we can avoid catching logs for unwanted containers
  matchByName: /hello/, // optional
  matchByImage: /matteocollina/, //optional
  skipByName: /.*pasteur.*/, //optional
  skipByImage: /.*dockerfile.*/ //optional

// logger is the source stream with all the
// log lines
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);



We currently release the container on two different bases:

  • Node on Debian Bullseye
  • Node on Alpine Linux

Using the Docker file

First clone this repository, then:

# For Debian Bullseye base:
docker build -t r7insight_docker .
# Or for Alpine Linux base:
docker build -t r7insight_docker -f alpine.Dockerfile .



# For Debian Bullseye base, also the default if not specified:
export BUILD_TYPE=node-bullseye
# Or for Alpine Linux base:
export BUILD_TYPE=node-alpine


make build
make test

If you've build and tested and want to push:

# Default is "rapid7/r7insight_docker"
export DOCKER_REGISTRY_PREFIX=<your-dockerhub-user>/<your-image-name>
make tag
make push


  • Update package.json depending on your requirements
  • make publish

How it works

This module wraps four Docker APIs:

  • POST /containers/{id}/attach, to fetch the logs
  • GET /containers/{id}/stats, to fetch the stats of the container
  • GET /containers/json, to detect the containers that are running when this module starts
  • GET /events, to detect new containers that will start after the module has started

This module wraps docker-loghose and docker-stats to fetch the logs and the stats as a never ending stream of data.

All the originating requests are wrapped in a never-ending-stream.


Docker logging support for InsightOps







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  • JavaScript 71.8%
  • Makefile 25.8%
  • Dockerfile 2.4%