This case study project encompasses various tests and functions from the Alex and Nova Ecommerce Website This project contains automated tests built to test user registration/login restricitons, search function capabilites, the users cart and checking out items from the website.
- Page Factory model
- TestNG
- Test suites
- Three different drivers (Chrome, FireFox, Edge)
- 6 different selenium element locators
- Screenshots
- HTML reports
- API testing with Newman, Postman and Jenkins
- TestCase document
- Captcha tests proved to be an obstacle while working on tests. Therefore, leaving implicit waits and sleep methods while going in and manually completing each Captcha requirement was the only way to bypass this feature.
- Elements within the website would often change rendering previous tests useless.
- Pages on the website would regularly not spawn quickly enough in order for some elements and functions to not run properly.
- Ran into several radio type buttons that could not be accessed by the automation tests.