Flock is a ROS driver for DJI Tello drones.
meta-package glueflock_description
robot description files (TODO)flock_driver
interface between the Tello hardware and ROS, not required for simulationflock_base
base nodesflock_rviz
extensions to rviz (TODO)flock_gazebo
extensions to Gazebo (TODO)
Provides a ROS wrapper around TelloPy. Not required for simulation.
Provides teleop and (eventually) autonomous control.
Set up a Ubuntu 18.04 box or VM. This should include ffmpeg 3.4.4.
ffmpeg -version
Use your favorite Python package manager to set up Python 2.7 and the following packages:
- numpy 1.15.2
- av 0.5.2
- opencv-python
- opencv-contrib-python
- tellopy 0.5.0
Install ROS Melodic with the ros-melodic-desktop-full
This will install Gazebo 9 and OpenCV 3.2, among other things.
Install these additional packages:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-joystick-drivers
Create a catkin workspace:
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/flock_catkin_ws/src
cd ~/flock_catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
Download and compile flock:
cd ~/flock_catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/clydemcqueen/flock.git
cd ..
This script will connect to the drone and display a video feed in an OpenCV window. It will also look for ArUco 6x6 markers and highlight them in green. It does not require ROS.
Turn on the drone, connect to TELLO-XXXXX
via wi-fi, and run this script:
python ~/flock_catkin_ws/src/flock/flock_driver/scripts/environment_test.py
This ROS launch file will allow you to fly the drone using a wired XBox One gamepad.
Turn on the drone, connect to TELLO-XXXXX
via wi-fi, and launch ROS:
roslaunch flock_base teleop.launch
For left-handed operation:
roslaunch flock_base teleop.launch left_handed:=true
- The left stick controls forward motion and yaw
- The right stick controls altitude and allows for strafing
- The small menu button takes off
- The small view button lands
- The 4 buttons Y, X, B and A will flip forward, left, right and back, respectively. The Tello won't flip if the platform is unstable, so you may have a wait a second or two between flips.
An OpenCV window will pop up to show any 6x6 ArUco markers.
You can modify teleop.launch
and/or flock_base.py
to support other gamepads.
WARNING: the flock_driver
node sends a land
command just before it quits.
If you kill the ROS session normally (with a Ctrl-C
) the drone should land as the ROS session dies.
However, if the flock_driver
node dies unexpectedly while the drone is flying
you may have to re-launch and reconnect to get it to land.