🎖🎖🎖 基于 TS + Canvas 开发的【大转盘 / 九宫格 / 老虎机】抽奖插件,🌈 一套源码适配多端框架 JS / Vue / React / Taro / UniApp / 微信小程序等,🎨 奖品 / 文字 / 图片 / 颜色 / 按钮均可配置,支持同步 / 异步抽奖,🎯 概率前 / 后端可控,🚀 自动根据 dpr 调整清晰度适配移动端
🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
Lantern官方版本下载 蓝灯 翻墙 代理 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由 proxy vpn circumvention gfw
小程序营销组件,Marketing components for WeChatApp
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient.
基于HTML5的专业级图像处理开源引擎。An image processing lib based on html5.
A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
Simple and elegant component-based UI library
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
Export html table to excel file in browser
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
A little library that can be used for bursting particles effects on buttons and other elements
A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this
🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(2.0 kb) library used to format date with `*** time ago` statement.
📱 The easiest way to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type …
🔔 a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies