EchoMimicV2: Towards Striking, Simplified, and Semi-Body Human Animation
High-Quality Human Motion Video Generation with Confidence-aware Pose Guidance
V-Express aims to generate a talking head video under the control of a reference image, an audio, and a sequence of V-Kps images.
[ACM MM 2024] This is the official code for "AniTalker: Animate Vivid and Diverse Talking Faces through Identity-Decoupled Facial Motion Encoding"
Transparent Image Layer Diffusion using Latent Transparency
A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
This is the official source for our ICCV 2023 paper "EmoTalk: Speech-Driven Emotional Disentanglement for 3D Face Animation"
Fay is an open-source digital human framework integrating language models and digital characters. It offers retail, assistant, and agent versions for diverse applications like virtual shopping guid…
NanoDet-Plus⚡Super fast and lightweight anchor-free object detection model. 🔥Only 980 KB(int8) / 1.8MB (fp16) and run 97FPS on cellphone🔥
This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of "AD-NeRF: Audio Driven Neural Radiance Fields for Talking Head Synthesis".
[TOG 2022] SofGAN: A Portrait Image Generator with Dynamic Styling
Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
Code for Motion Representations for Articulated Animation paper
[ICCV '21] In this repository you find the code to our paper "Keypoint Communities".
Robust Video Matting in PyTorch, TensorFlow, TensorFlow.js, ONNX, CoreML!
Code for Pose-Controllable Talking Face Generation by Implicitly Modularized Audio-Visual Representation (CVPR 2021)
OpenMMLab's Next Generation Video Understanding Toolbox and Benchmark
Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow
A paper list of object detection using deep learning.
深度学习500问,以问答形式对常用的概率知识、线性代数、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉等热点问题进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者。 全书分为18个章节,50余万字。由于水平有限,书中不妥之处恳请广大读者批评指正。 未完待续............ 如有意合作,联系[email protected] 版权所有,违权必究 Tan 2018.06