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17 Oct 06:08
THIS RELEASE IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE AND NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE. PLEASE USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This is the first in a series of planned beta releases. The beta release cycle will follow the "gmail" style of betas, whereby new features will be added in each new release, and BC will not be guaranteed; beta releases will happen no less than every six weeks. Once the established milestones have been reached and the featureset has reached maturity and reasonable stability, we will freeze the API and prepare for Release Candidate status. NEW FEATURES ------------ - New and refactored autoloaders: - Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader - Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader - Zend\Loader\AutoloaderFactory - New plugin broker strategy - Zend\Loader\Broker and Zend\Loader\PluginBroker - Reworked Exception system - Allow catching by specific Exception type - Allow catching by component Exception type - Allow catching by SPL Exception type - Allow catching by base Exception type - Rewritten Session component - Refactored View component - Split helpers into a PluginBroker - Split variables into a Variables container - Split script paths into a TemplateResolver - Renamed base View class "PhpRenderer" - Refactored helpers to utilize __invoke() when possible - Refactored HTTP component - New Zend\Cloud\Infrastructure component - New EventManager component - New Dependency Injection (Zend\Di) component - New Code component - Incorporates refactored versions of former Reflection and CodeGenerator components. - Introduces Scanner component. - Introduces annotation system. - New MVC layer - Zend\Module, for developing modular application architectures. - Zend\Mvc, a completely reworked MVC layer built on top of HTTP, EventManager, and Di. - Introduces new packaging system, allowing the usage of Pyrus ( to install individual components and/or groups of components.