Version: ''
Source code:
This is an open-source python module for mineral resource estimation and geostatistics. It consists of:
. This is for geostatistics and interpolation. It was built with [GSLIB Fortran 77 code] ( enhanced and wrapped to Python with f2py.drillhole
. This is for basic drillhole operations, such as compositing and desurveying.blockmodel
. This is for block modelling. It has functions to fill wireframes with blocks, reblocking, among others.vtktools
. This is for 3D computational geometry based on VTK, for example, to select samples within wireframes. It also handles VTK files.nonlinear
. This module is under construction! It is an experimental module for nonlinear geostatistics based on the Discrete Gaussian Model.sandbox
Here, we put general code and testing code. (will be removed)plothtml
To plot with bokeh (will be changed to matplotlib)charttable
To plot pandas dataframe tables formatted
The easiest way to install and work with PyGSLIB is by using Anaconda or Miniconda (conda) distributions. To install PyGSLIB in the root environment of your anaconda distribution, simply type in a terminal:
$ conda install pygslib -c opengeostat -c conda-forge
This is the most updated but unstable development version. You may manually install all the dependencies and make sure you have gfortran available.
Windows users may read this wiki first. It explains how to prepare the development environment (compilers and dependencies).
$ git clone
$ cd pygslib
$ python build
$ python install
See this [tutorial] ( There is also a video demonstration that uses
an older version of pygslib.
Copyright 2018, Adrian Martinez Vargas
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT and GPL licenses.
Saturday, 11 of November 2020