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prove various properties about pointed truncated and/or connected types
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Floris van Doorn committed Jan 19, 2018
1 parent a22ac8a commit d5a0080
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73 changes: 49 additions & 24 deletions higher_groups.hlean
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Formalization of the higher groups paper

import .move_to_lib
open eq is_conn pointed is_trunc trunc equiv is_equiv trunc_index susp nat algebra prod.ops sigma sigma.ops
open eq is_conn pointed is_trunc trunc equiv is_equiv trunc_index susp nat algebra
prod.ops sigma sigma.ops
namespace higher_group
set_option pp.binder_types true
universe variable u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,8 +53,6 @@ transport (λm, is_trunc m (B G)) (add.comm k n) (is_trunc_B' G)

local attribute [instance] is_trunc_B

/- some equivalences -/
--set_option pp.all true
definition Grp.sigma_char (n k : ℕ) :
Grp.{u} n k ≃ Σ(B : pconntype.{u} (k.-1)), Σ(X : ptrunctype.{u} n), X ≃* Ω[k] B :=
Expand All @@ -65,31 +64,59 @@ begin

definition Grp_equiv (n k : ℕ) : [n;k]Grp ≃ (n+k)-Type*[k.-1] :=
let f : Π(B : Type*[k.-1]) (H : Σ(X : n-Type*), X ≃* Ω[k] B), (n+k)-Type*[k.-1] :=
λB' H, B' (is_trunc_B ( H.1 B' H.2)) pt _
[n;k]Grp ≃ Σ(B : Type*[k.-1]), Σ(X : n-Type*), X ≃* Ω[k] B : Grp.sigma_char n k
... ≃ Σ(B : (n+k)-Type*[k.-1]), Σ(X : n-Type*), X ≃* Ω[k] B :
@sigma_equiv_of_is_embedding_left _ _ _ sorry ptruncconntype.to_pconntype sorry
(λB' H, (f B' H) sorry)
... ≃ Σ(B : (n+k)-Type*[k.-1]), Σ(X : n-Type*),
X = ptrunctype_of_pType (Ω[k] B) !is_trunc_loopn_nat :> n-Type* :
sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λB, sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λX, sorry))
... ≃ (n+k)-Type*[k.-1] : sigma_equiv_of_is_contr_right
Grp.sigma_char n k ⬝e
(is_embedding_ptruncconntype_to_pconntype (n+k) (k.-1))
intro X,
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev -2,
{ apply sigma_equiv_sigma_right, intro B',
refine _ ⬝e (ptrunctype_eq_equiv B' ( (Ω[k] X) !is_trunc_loopn_nat pt))⁻¹ᵉ,
assert lem : Π(A : n-Type*) (B : Type*) (H : is_trunc n B),
(A ≃* B) ≃ (A ≃* ( B H pt)),
{ intro A B'' H, induction B'', reflexivity },
apply lem }
intro B' H, apply ( B' (is_trunc_B ( H.1 B' H.2)) pt _),
induction B' with G' B' e', reflexivity

definition Grp_equiv_pequiv {n k : ℕ} (G : [n;k]Grp) : Grp_equiv n k G ≃* B G :=
by reflexivity

definition Grp_eq_equiv {n k : ℕ} (G H : [n;k]Grp) : (G = H) ≃ (B G ≃* B H) :=
eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv (Grp_equiv n k) _ _ ⬝e
sorry -- use Grp_equiv_homotopy and equality in ptruncconntype
definition Grp_eq_equiv {n k : ℕ} (G H : [n;k]Grp) : (G = H :> [n;k]Grp) ≃ (B G ≃* B H) :=
eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv (Grp_equiv n k) _ _ ⬝e !ptruncconntype_eq_equiv

definition Grp_eq {n k : ℕ} {G H : [n;k]Grp} (e : B G ≃* B H) : G = H :=
(Grp_eq_equiv G H)⁻¹ᵉ e

/- similar properties for [∞;k]Grp -/

definition InfGrp.sigma_char (k : ℕ) :
InfGrp.{u} k ≃ Σ(B : pconntype.{u} (k.-1)), Σ(X : pType.{u}), X ≃* Ω[k] B :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro G, exact ⟨iB G, G, ie G⟩ },
{ intro v, exact v.2.1 v.1 v.2.2 },
{ intro v, induction v with v₁ v₂, induction v₂, reflexivity },
{ intro G, induction G, reflexivity },

definition InfGrp_equiv (k : ℕ) : [∞;k]Grp ≃ Type*[k.-1] :=
InfGrp.sigma_char k ⬝e
@sigma_equiv_of_is_contr_right _ _
(λX, is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev -2 (sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λB', !pType_eq_equiv⁻¹ᵉ)))

definition InfGrp_equiv_pequiv {k : ℕ} (G : [∞;k]Grp) : InfGrp_equiv k G ≃* iB G :=
by reflexivity

definition InfGrp_eq_equiv {k : ℕ} (G H : [∞;k]Grp) : (G = H :> [∞;k]Grp) ≃ (iB G ≃* iB H) :=
eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv (InfGrp_equiv k) _ _ ⬝e !pconntype_eq_equiv

definition InfGrp_eq {k : ℕ} {G H : [∞;k]Grp} (e : iB G ≃* iB H) : G = H :=
(InfGrp_eq_equiv G H)⁻¹ᵉ e

-- maybe to do: ωGrp ≃ Σ(X : spectrum), is_sconn n X

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,8 +209,7 @@ ( (ptrunc n (Ω[k+1] (susp (B G)))) _ pt)

definition ωForget (k : ℕ) (G : [n;ω]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
have is_trunc (n + k) (oB G k), from _,
have is_trunc (n +[ℕ₋₂] k) (oB G k), from transport (λn, is_trunc n _) !of_nat_add_of_nat⁻¹ this,
have is_trunc n (Ω[k] (oB G k)), from !is_trunc_loopn,
have is_trunc n (Ω[k] (oB G k)), from !is_trunc_loopn_nat, ( (Ω[k] (oB G k)) _ pt) (oB G k) (pequiv_of_equiv erfl idp)

definition nStabilize (H : k ≤ l) (G : Grp.{u} n k) : Grp.{u} n l :=
Expand All @@ -207,8 +233,7 @@ sorry

definition ωStabilize_of_le (H : k ≥ n + 2) (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
ωGrp.mk_le k (λl H', Grp_equiv n l (nStabilize H' G))
(λl H', !Grp_equiv_pequiv ⬝e* Stabilize_pequiv (le.trans H H') (nStabilize H' G) ⬝e*
loop_pequiv_loop (!Grp_equiv_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ*))
(λl H', Stabilize_pequiv (le.trans H H') (nStabilize H' G))

definition ωStabilize (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
ωStabilize_of_le !le_max_left (nStabilize !le_max_right G)
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