"see data", see data, handy snippets for conversion, cleaning and integration.
pip install cdata
- json (and json stream) file IO, e.g. items2file(...)
- json data access, e.g. json_get(...), any2utf8, json_dict_copy
- json array statistics, e.g. stat(...)
from cdata.core import any2utf8
the_input = {"hello": u"世界"}
the_output = any2utf8(the_input)
logging.info((the_input, the_output))
- json array to/from excel
import json
from cdata.table import excel2json,json2excel
filename = "test.xls"
items = [{"first":"hello", "last":"world" }]
json2excel(items, ["first","last"], filename)
ret = excel2json(filename)
print json.dumps(ret)
JSON data from reading a single sheet excel file
"fields": {
"00": [
"data": {
"00": [
"notes": "",
"年龄": 18.0,
"name": "张三"
"notes": "this is li si",
"年龄": 18.0,
"name": "李四"
- url domain extraction
- entity.SimpleEntity.ner()
from cdata.entity import SimpleEntity
entity_list = [{"@id":"1","name":u"张三"},{"@id":"2","name":u"李四"}]
ner = SimpleEntity(entity_list)
sentence = "张三给了李四一个苹果"
ret = ner.ner(sentence)
logging.info(json.dumps(ret, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
"text": "张三",
"entities": [
"@id": "1",
"name": "张三"
"index": 0
"text": "李四",
"entities": [
"@id": "2",
"name": "李四"
"index": 4
- region.RegionEntity.guess_all()
from cdata.region import RegionEntity
addresses = ["北京海淀区阜成路52号(定慧寺)", "北京大学肿瘤医院"]
city_data = RegionEntity()
result = city_data.guess_all(addresses)
logging.info(json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False))
{"province": "北京市",
"city": "市辖区",
"name": "海淀区",
"district": "海淀区",
"cityid": "110108",
"type": "district"}
- 通过wikidata搜索,定位对应实体,查找实体中文名,别名等属性。wikidata_search (item/property) and wikidata_get
query = u"居里夫人"
ret = wikidata_search(query, lang="zh")
nodeid = ret["itemList"][0]["identifier"]
ret = wikidata_get(nodeid)
lable_zh = ret["entities"][nodeid]["labels"]["zh"]["value"]
- support simple cli function using argparse
release package using https://github.com/pypa/twine