A simple and unopinionated ACME client.
This module is written to handle communication with a Boulder/Let's Encrypt-style ACME API.
ACME specification: https://github.com/ietf-wg-acme/acme/blob/master/draft-ietf-acme-acme.md
Information on how the Boulder/Let's Encrypt API diverges from the ACME spec: https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/blob/master/docs/acme-divergences.md
acme-client | API | Style | Node.js |
v3.x | ACMEv2 | Promise | >= v8 |
v2.x | ACMEv2 | Promise | >= v4 |
v1.x | ACMEv1 | callback | >= v4 |
$ npm install acme-client
const acme = require('acme-client');
const accountPrivateKey = '<PEM encoded private key>';
const client = new acme.Client({
directoryUrl: acme.directory.letsencrypt.staging,
accountKey: accountPrivateKey
For key pair generation and Certificate Signing Requests, acme-client
supports multiple interchangeable cryptographic engines.
-- docs/forge.md
Recommended when node >= v10.12.0
or OpenSSL CLI dependency can not be met.
Uses node-forge, a pure JavaScript implementation of the TLS protocol.
This engine has no external dependencies since it is completely implemented in JavaScript, however CPU-intensive tasks (like generating a large size key pair) has a performance penalty and will be slower than doing it natively.
This caveat is removed in Node v10.12.0 with the introduction of crypto.generateKeyPair(), a native Node API for key pair generation. The forge engine will automatically use this API when available.
const privateKey = await acme.forge.createPrivateKey();
const [certificateKey, certificateCsr] = await acme.forge.createCsr({
commonName: '*.example.com',
altNames: ['example.com']
-- docs/openssl.md
Recommended when node < v10.12.0
and OpenSSL CLI dependency can be met.
Uses openssl-wrapper to execute commands using the OpenSSL CLI.
This engine requires OpenSSL to be installed and available in $PATH
const privateKey = await acme.openssl.createPrivateKey();
const [certificateKey, certificateCsr] = await acme.openssl.createCsr({
commonName: '*.example.com',
altNames: ['example.com']
For convenience an auto()
method is included in the client that takes a single config object.
This method will handle the entire process of getting a certificate for one or multiple domains.
A full example can be found at examples/auto.js.
Documentation: docs/client.md#AcmeClient+auto
const autoOpts = {
csr: '<PEM encoded CSR>',
email: '[email protected]',
termsOfServiceAgreed: true,
challengeCreateFn: async (authz, challenge, keyAuthorization) => {},
challengeRemoveFn: async (authz, challenge, keyAuthorization) => {}
const certificate = await client.auto(autoOpts);
For more fine-grained control you can interact with the ACME API using the methods documented below.
A full example can be found at examples/api.js.
Documentation: docs/client.md
const account = await client.createAccount({
termsOfServiceAgreed: true,
contact: ['mailto:[email protected]']
const order = await client.createOrder({
identifiers: [
{ type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' },
{ type: 'dns', value: '*.example.com' }
This module uses axios when communicating with the ACME API, and exposes the instance through .axios
Should you, for example, need to change the default axios configuration to route requests through an HTTP proxy, this can be achieved as follows:
const acme = require('acme-client');
acme.axios.defaults.proxy = {
host: '',
port: 9000
A complete list of axios options and documentation can be found at:
- https://github.com/axios/axios#request-config
- https://github.com/axios/axios#custom-instance-defaults
uses debug for debugging which can be enabled by running
DEBUG=acme-client node index.js