D3FY Development
- Colorado
- d3fy.com
- @william_cobb
nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2024 -
best-practices Public
Best practices for software development, put here for me to remember or share with others
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 15, 2024 -
react-to-do Public
A simple to-do app built in React
PirateBattleship Public
Play a Battleship-like game in your terminal
gitignore-for-wordpress Public
GitIgnore File for WordPress Development
custom-vvv-php Public
Forked from Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-templateFor when you just need a simple dev site for PHP apps
cornerstone-library-carousel Public
Adds a new element in the WordPress Cornerstone page builder (by Themeco) which allows you to have horizontal scrolling elements on your website.
x-child-boilerplate Public
WordPress child theme, based on Theme X. Added gulp tasks to control assets during dev.
serverpilot-php Public
Forked from daverogers/serverpilot-phpPHP library to access ServerPilot.io services
sage-extended Public
My customizations to the roots/sage theme
git-ftp Public
Forked from git-ftp/git-ftpUses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers.
cornerstone-library-template Public
A plugin template for creating custom elements for Cornerstone. You can submit your own creations at http://cornerstonelibrary.com
Adds a 'team member' element to Cornerstone for WordPress Theme X
base-plugin Public
Default settings I use in WordPress, confined to a plugin that can be easily installed.
Adds the Layerslider element to your library in Cornerstone. For use with Theme X in WordPress.
Adds new features to the accordion, such as extra content in the title, and choosing different colors for each item.
roots-reloaded Public
Forked from roots/sageI make a lot of WordPress themes and my favorite boilerplate is Roots. This fork has some of my own customizations. Most can be found in /lib/extras.php. That and some .less files. The rest is as-i…
mysqlbkup Public
Forked from quickshiftin/mysqlbkupLightweight MySQL backup script in BASH
discover-meteor Public
Just tracking my progress through the book "Discover Meteor" - http://discovermeteor.com
worldwide-meteor-day Public
Forked from meteor/worldwide-meteor-dayThe entire international Meteor community is hosting simultaneous meetups on November 6, open to anyone who is curious to know more about the Meteor platform.
option-tree Public
Forked from valendesigns/option-treeTheme Options UI Builder for WordPress. A simple way to create & save Theme Options and Meta Boxes for free or premium themes.
wp-plugin-list Public
A list of useful plugins that I've used and would use again.
1 UpdatedFeb 25, 2014 -
FlexSlider Public
Forked from woocommerce/FlexSliderAn awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin
wordpress-easy-testimonials Public
A plugin to add testimonials to your site. Just a simple project.
html5-boilerplate Public
Forked from h5bp/html5-boilerplateA professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
soil Public
Forked from roots/soilFrequently used plugins for your WordPress installation and a site specific plugin for your custom post types, taxonomies, meta boxes, and shortcodes
dhsnapshot Public
Forked from carloslima/dhsnapshotRSnapshot-like backups to DreamHost Backup Service